Madhuri remembers a meditation / healing technique. Maybe to be experimented with again?
“Everybody is born in the same way. It is not only that you don’t have a father, you don’t have a mother either. The day you discover your original being you will know that you pass through the mother and the father, you come through them, but you are not created by them,” says Osho.
Born and raised in Birmingham, Lola is both British and Nigerian. As the oldest daughter, she started the first generation of British-Nigerian in her family. But to what extent can she lay claim to being Nigerian when she cannot speak her mother tongue? Published on BBC on October 20, 2018.
Sex still being a touchy and often even taboo subject in many cultures and religions to this day, a mother and daughter from the Punjab have the courage to ask each other various questions about it. Published on BBC on August 31, 2018.
Deeva shares with us the last precious moments with her dying mother, experienced together with her father, beloved Premdas and other family members.
Working full-on as a painter in the Lao Tzu construction crew in Pune 2 to complete the Samadhi, Surendra narrates the circumstances that made him decide to fly to England to be with his dying mother.
Osho talks on ‘Family’. “The family conditions the child in the first place. Secondly, it is the cause of all kinds of insanities.”
It is the whole idea of private property that has created the father, that has created the family, that has created the ownership of the woman by the man.
Antar Marc‘s letters and cards to his mother while living in Osho’s communes during 1984/1985.
Osho speaks on a story by Hermann Hesse; “Millions of people are suffering: they want to be loved, but they don’t know how to love. And love cannot exist as a monologue; it is a dialogue…”
In the final part of this interview, Svagito explains how our relationship with our fathers affects our relationship with all men.
Svagito explains how our relationship with our mother influences our life and the relationship with other women.
During a rare interview in the seventies, Osho’s father tells Sarjano about ‘little Mohan’s’ childhood and how he took sannyas