In the fourth and last part of the interview, Mataji, Osho’s mother, talks about her most recent years
A view on Niren’s recently released book, subtitled, A Legal History of the US Government Persecution of a Minority Religious Community, Oregon 1981-1986.
A Legal History of the US Government Persecution of a Minority Religious Community, Oregon 1981-1986, written by Prem Niren (Philip Toelkes), now published.
Osho states that “… it is certain that I have been poisoned by Ronald Reagan’s American government.” He describes in detail his experiences after his arrest in Charlotte and his accumulating health issues since.
Archive documentary on Rajneeshpuram following Osho’s and Sheela’s arrests. Broadcast originally in October 1985 by KGW 8, the NBC TV affiliate in Portland, Oregon.
The recent resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has inspired many claims about the relationship between the Vatican and Osho, many of them unsupported.
Part two of Max Brecher’s: ‘A Radically New Look at Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and a Controversial American Commune’.