Bhagawati writes on the importance of recognizing one’s true needs and to clearly see how society creates smokescreens and fuels false material needs to continue to enslave the people.
Pope Francis’ general audience featured a surprise guest appearance when a small boy ran onto the podium. All those who judged this spontaneous child, had to eat their words later. Published on BBC on November 28, 2018.
In our present time, rife with conflict, war, political madness, increasing poverty, health issues and hardship for so many on our planet, we haven’t been blessed being exposed to many positive newscasts. (video)
World Food Day was held on October 16, 2016. In a letter to Professor José Graziano da Silva, Director General of the FAO, Pope Francis made his stance on GMOs and the Biotech Industry abundantly clear.
Pope Francis is launching a monthly video where he will outline his proposals and prayer intentions.
Ignatius of Loyola (23 October 1491 – July 31, 1556) was born to a family of minor nobility in northern Spain.
En route to Rome, Italy, on November 30, 2015 after his visit to Africa, Pope Francis gave an in-flight interview to accompanying journalists.
John Hogue (Dhyan Arjuna), noted Nostradamus and prophecy expert, just published his latest book on Pope Francis, the last pope according to the prophecies of St. Malachy.
Check out the date this was published… on April Fools Day! The latest from the Vatican: Pope Francis and President Barack Obama exchanged gifts at the Vatican on March 27, 2015. During their historic first meeting, Pope Francis made a brilliant surprise gesture. He gave Obama a copy of Osho’s book ‘Priests and Politicians: The
The recent resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has inspired many claims about the relationship between the Vatican and Osho, many of them unsupported.
In addition to his analysis of St. Malachy’s prophecies and the actual unfolding of the election of Pope Francis, here is Arjuna’s (John Hogue) examination of Nostradamus’ verses on the subject.