“Whatsoever appears in the mind, just watch it. Watch it appearing, watch it being there, watch it disappearing.”
Beloved Osho, Recently it has started happening that as I begin to open my eyes first thing in the morning I can see a vision, like a scene from a movie – and that scene happens days after in reality, just like a repetition.
Osho speaks on the significance of a teddy bear for a child and also refers to the work of Donald Winnicott (7 April 1896 – 25 January 1971).
“Between these two, everybody exists. Being a prince or being a beggar are just identities given by others. It is not your reality.”
Osho states, “… there is no need that the revolution should happen before our eyes. It is contentment enough that you were part of a movement that changed the world.”
“Our own imagination is our last barrier. Once we are without imagination then reality is there face to face,” says Osho.
Osho states, “Love is enough unto itself – it needs no salesmanship. It doesn’t need anybody to persuade, to convince; it is enough, it is a fire.”
“Ananda said, ’Master, the question is the same, but you answer so differently, you answer so contradictorily, that we have become puzzled, confused,’” says Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Henri Bergson spoke at the beginning of this century. He said, ‘The addition to the body brought by technology calls for a corresponding addition to the soul.’
Q: Osho, when I dropped my job as a political reporter in order to come to Poona, some of my friends who are engaged in the struggle against atomic war, atomic power, destruction of the environment, the dismantling of democratic freedoms, etcetera, called me an escapist. Sometimes I wonder if they are right. Are they?
Q: If the ego is unreal, then does it not mean that the unconscious mind, the accumulation of memories in the brain cells, and the process of transformation that is the subject matter of spirituality, is also unreal, a dream process?
The Ancients said:
“(Self-)cultivation takes an unimaginable time (while) enlightenment in an instant is attained.”
Facebook’s ‘teleporter’ technology is the final nail in the coffin, says L.J. Devon at Natural News, USA, on November 9, 2015.
There was a little polar bear who asked his mother, ” Was my daddy also a polar bear?” “Of course your daddy was a polar bear.” “But,” goes on the little one after a while, “Mommy, just tell me, was my grandfather also a polar bear?” “Yes, he was also a polar bear.” Time goes
More and more wake-up calls are reaching us. More and more individuals speak up. Here’s Abby Martin (of Russia Today, US Edition) taking a look back at Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’ and its application to today’s society.
Recently I have been reading articles by a writer who calls himself Zen Gardner, a name I find intriguing.