Two reviews for Roshani Shay Curtis’ book: one by Veena and one by Chintan. They write: “Very much worth reading.” “This is a story which will enrage, frighten, and at the end leave you cheering. I loved this book.”
A chapter from Roshani Shay Curtis’ newly-published book, Two Souls, Tandem Journeys: Our Adventures with Love, Deafness and Autism
An introduction by Roshani Shay Curtis of her newly-lauched book about her life with son Tarun. The book is subtitled: Our Adventures with Love, Deafness and Autism.
A chapter excerpted from Roshani’s book, Two Souls, Tandem Journeys: Our Adventures with Love, Deafness and Autism. “I can almost hear him thinking, ‘People around here really like me. Wow.'”
A new book by Dr. Pratibha Eastwood, the compelling true-life story of one woman’s spiritual journey from 1940s Palestine to 1960s California and beyond.
Veena recalls events and perceptions from the first two years in Rajneeshpuram, working as a Twinkie.
A review by Roshani of ‘On the Edge’ by Yoga Punya. The book has been re-published in India and will be launched on 27th July on the occasion of the Guru Purnima Celebrations at Oshodham in Delhi.
Roshani Shay PhD reviews the six-part Netflix documentary series on Rajneeshpuram: “Wild, Wild Country certainly conveys the grandness of the experiment that was Rajneeshpuram.”
Roshani saw the play by the Hand2Mouth Theater Company who used the Rajneeshpuram experiment as an inspiration.
Roshani talks about the book by Henrik Bogdan and James R. Lewis, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
Roshani reports on a retrospective on Rajneeshpuram which was held at the University of Oregon Library last April.
Roshani is looking for personal anecdotes and stories about experiences around sex and gender roles in the Osho communes
Sudheer’s stunning photographs are now available in a book. Get a taste of it from the slideshow in our post
Sudheer’s life as a painter, color consultant, interior designer, tour director, actor, singer, photographer, filmmaker…
Interesting data about the population in Rajneeshpuram collected by the University of Oregon in 1983 – by Roshani.
‘In Search of the Miraculous: Healing Into Consciousness’ by Jivan Mada pays tribute to her masters: Osho and Gurdjieff
The story of how Tarun, a deaf and autistic boy of 20, becomes a role model during his months in Rajneeshpuram.