


Osho speaks on ‘Synchronicity’; “The whole scientific world is based on the causal relationship. Synchronicity has no place in it. But in human life everybody who is a little alert may have found it.”

Osho speaks on the subject of ‘Sannyasin’: “My sannyas is an opening, a journey, a dance, a love affair with the unknown, a romance with existence itself, in search of an orgasmic relationship with the whole.”

Meet the local architect with ties to the late spiritual leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, popularized in the recent Netflix docuseries Wild Wild Country, writes Stacy Girard. Published in D magazine, Dallas, USA, September 2018 issue.

Dayanand – Bliss of Mercy – One who belongs to the ancient wisdom of India – the story of the times Dayanand came to meet Osho – from the book ‘Past the Point of No Return’, compiled by Bhagawati.

In Komalta’s journey to sannyas, she comes, through her profession, into contact with the people from the publications department Naropa, and consequently with Osho’s words.

A sannyas darshan: “Shreyas … means ‘the ultimate good’ – and that’s the only approach towards God. If you become good you become godly, and when the good becomes total, you become God himself.”

Sannyas darshan of Veet Nisha, from Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast, Ch 27, dated 27 February 1978: “To open your eyes needs courage because you may have to see things that you never wanted to see in yourself.”

During sannyas darshan, Osho says to Anand Maria (Praveeta), “Rebel against all that is untrue, rebel against that which is imposed by others. Rebel against the status quo, rebel against all the vested interests. Rebel against the past.”