

“I feel a very deep spiritual affinity with Pythagoras. I am also bringing you a synthesis of East and West, of science and religion, of intellect and intuition, of the male mind and the female mind, of the head and the heart, of the right and the left.”

Osho answers the question, “You have said that Buddha attained mahaparinirvana, but also that Buddha is to come once again in human form and will be known as Maitreya. How is it possible to take on a human form after reaching nirvana? Please explain this.”

Small drones that neatly fit in the palm of a hand can be unleashed at the push of a button and will unfailingly find their target – humans. They are killer robots, writes Bhagawati

Beloved Osho,
My fear around your vision of the birth of the new man through test-tubes and genetic engineering comes not from the technology itself, but from fear of who might control the technology.

Article 47: It may take a couple of ‘weeks’, but there will be a new glacial period, Betelgeuse will explode in a supernova, the coral reef ecosystems will recover and the widening East African Rift valley will be flooded by the Red Sea.

Joshua Krause calls upon humanity to break free and stop being slaves to technology. Published by ZenGardner.com on April 23, 2016.