
Sex / Sexuality

Osho, I find myself mostly attracted to women and very rarely deeply to a man. I am a little bothered about it. Could you please say something about it?

Divakar (Marc Itzler) writes, “Society has become more sensitive and more discerning. We now ask more of ourselves. We demand a higher standard of self-awareness, of values, of behaviour.”

Sarita and Yogi Malik chat about a vast array of subjects on Tantra – from Kundalini to Mantras, Chakras to sacred sites, to how to bring Tantra into our daily lives.

Excerpt from ‘The Cosmic Madhouse’; Satyananda has moved into the ashram to write his book and embarks with other sannyasins to Bombay for a media conference to neutralize the negative impressions the photos in the media stirred up, showing naked participants in the Leela and Tantra groups.

Pathika and Ojas wrote about the media attention after the screening of the Netflix docuseries Wild Wild Country and listed the main articles and shows. A nation-wide meeting of friends and lovers of Osho will be held on 5th May at Wajid, The Hague.

Laherubhai writes about Osho’s controversial discourses in Mumbai. “It happened that Osho managed to get work done through me for which I had no knowledge, experience or skill. This was a matter of great fortune for me.”

Prof. V. Santhakumar tries to fathom the origins of this, for women, very uncomfortable trait of Indian culture, that does not seem to die off even after years of modernisation and growth of the middle classes.