Rosalie’s start as a Twinkie on Rancho Rajneesh, with visitors and media streaming in.
Punya writes of her time working in the Twinkie’s office in Rajneeshpuram – from her book, On the Edge.
In part 2 of her recollections, Bhagawati returns to Rajneeshpuram where intense times and historical events take place.
Veena recalls events and perceptions from the first two years in Rajneeshpuram, working as a Twinkie.
An excerpt from Punya’s book On the Edge recounting the time she was filing press clippings: “Most of my friends had no idea of what was going on in the media and would not have been particularly interested in knowing it either.”
On her second visit to Rajneeshpuram, Punya discovers the many changes that were made during her 9-month absence, and wonders how suddenly a city could be disincorporated and become ‘illegal’.