“When the individual mind, the ego mind relaxes, the universal mind starts over-flooding you.”
Another Sufi story featuring Akbar: “That girl’s love was far deeper. She was closer to God than I was…”
Prabhat ponders how two groups of people look at, seemingly, the same occurrences and see diametrically different things.
“People look into books, find out fragments, make philosophies out of fragments. That’s how all the religions have evolved, and all the theologies and all the philosophies. They are all fragmentary,” says Osho. Related story in the series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Intuition’s most important role is that it alerts us to the path, people, and circumstances that we will uniquely find fulfilling, writes Julie Eakin in Spirituality & Health.
I have heard, a man in an orange robe entered the Vrindavan juice bar, barged up to the front of the line, and demanded tea and cake.
We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself. He is the great danger. And we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man… far too little. His psyche should be studied – because we are the origin of all coming evil. Carl Gustav Jung