A few of Michael Sudheer’s favorite photographs from New York.
Kiran, a Glaswegian at home in America! “As a Brit, and as a person of color with an accent, I was in an interesting position to observe and ask questions.”
A view on Niren’s recently released book, subtitled, A Legal History of the US Government Persecution of a Minority Religious Community, Oregon 1981-1986.
A Legal History of the US Government Persecution of a Minority Religious Community, Oregon 1981-1986, written by Prem Niren (Philip Toelkes), now published.
“I am certainly in love with the American Constitution, because it is the only hope for humanity,” says Osho.
The election is not a done deal! The 2020 US presidential elections and possible future developments seen from an astrological angle and with insightful understanding… Arjuna’s (John Hogue) remarkable new book has been launched.
Shantamo examines, using his knowledge of the Human Design system, the characters and potentials of the protagonists of this year’s US elections.
A comment on FB by Kevin Akin where he remembers something he heard his father say regarding a shop in Riverside, California, where the family was living.
Illinois Chief Judge unloaded on Governor J.B. Pritzker’s still-in-effect stay-at-home order, writes Susie Moore. Published in RedState on May 26, 2020.
In a Press Interview, Osho speaks to journalists sent by the Punjab Kesari, a Hindi newspaper, who had asked him about his health. Osho mentions his time during the twelve days he has spent in US jails.
Staying connected, supporting each other, meditating together and learning about ourselves via the internet – by Punya.
What little the general population hears about Ukraine are the constant violent political and ethnic armed conflicts with Russia. What is not known much about are how people live amid this turmoil, for example, a teenager. Published on BBC, February 21, 2019.
Bhagawati writes about the implications of the race to Moon and Mars undertaken by the USA, Russia and China, and shows Osho’s incredible insight into the status quo.
On July 20, 1970 Osho began the Hindi discourse series Krishna: Meri Drishti Mein (कृष्ण : मेरी दृष्टि में) (Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy) at C.C.I. Chambers in Mumbai.
Electrified by the eerie colour of the sky Thursday night, onlookers in New York borough of Queens speculated about an alien invasion or this being a sign from God. Published by BBC on December 28, 2018.
A unique yet natural phenomenon has been documented in Virginia and Florida, USA. Published on BBC on November 27, 2018.
Osho states, “… if there is even a little bit of intelligence in America then it is time to stop now; otherwise, the country is going to have the same fate as that of Rome and Roman civilization.
Ambika reported from the final leg in Atlanta of Milarepa and OneSky Band’s US tour, and put together a video of the event: “…such glimpses of these musical moments are difficult to capture with photos and videos, but I guess you just had to be there.”
To all the strange occurrences over the last decade, from social media addictiveness to trolling, incessant texting, to fake news and other inexplicable madnesses, a new one has been added this week.
On a recent visit to Manhattan, New York, Sudheer captured black and white impression of new buildings.
Arjuna (John Hogue) has just now published his 46th book: his world-wide prophecies for the current year. Bhagawati selected excerpts from each chapter.
Osho speaks on war in Afghanistan and in particular on the Pakhtoon people, and about the role of the Americans and opening up of the then Soviet Union.
A new centre in the making – but still much to do. The plan is for it to be the first very large Osho centre in New York that will offer a full schedule of daily Osho meditations, including bodywork, creative workshops and meditative therapies.
Towards the end of his life, Carl Sagan expressed deep concern about the ‘dumbing down of America’. Buck Rogers writes in the Waking Times and SOTT.
Excerpt from Arjuna’s (John Hogue) latest book, Beyond Alt-right and Alt-left, showing ways to make the coming grassroot revolution and renewal of America creative and peaceful.
315 years. 20,528 voyages. Millions of lives. Link to a two-minute animation. Article by Andrew Kahn and Jamelle Bouie, published in ‘Slate’.
In a press interview in Rajneeshpuram, on 26 July 1985, Osho replies to a question by Swami Shanti Prabhu of the Rajneesh Times.
Following the increasing political war speeches on this planet, it is obvious that we, the people, are forgotten in all those grand schemes and threats. Victoria-Lola M. Leon Guerrero, an inhabitant of long-suffering but little-known Guam, writes an open letter, expressing her take on the events. Published in the Boston Review on August 11, 2017.
Review of Arjuna’s (John Hogue) recently published 43rd book, addressing the August 21 solar eclipse over America, past events during eclipses and prophecies, with the last chapter devoted to Osho’s understandings.
Excerpt from Arjuna’s (John Hogue) recently published 43rd book, ‘The Great American Eclipse – Earthquake and Tsunami’ in view of the solar eclipse on 21 August 2017.
The Great American Eclipse will take place on Monday, August 21, 2017, which has already been widely marked as an auspicious day. Incidentally, the path of this eclipse will pass right over Rajneeshpuram. Arjuna explains his take on it.
A brief look at their well-documented history and the ongoing denial by most governments that they exists; by Bhagawati.
Madhuri remembers the jobs she found after leaving Rajneespuram, among others impersonating Madonna.
It took a little time but ten days ago, India claimed the second place after ‘America First’ – and it is irresistible!
Bhagawati reviews John Pilger’s 60th documentary, which presents an urgent wake-up call to humanity.
“These people who are in power are almost on the brink of destroying the world, rather than lose their power. “
From Russians living in the U.S.: Russia will NOT attack, but she WILL retaliate. Published on June 1, 2016 in The Saker and SOTT.
So now scientists are almost in the hands of the politicians. … The world has to be one, and it has to be governed by creative people, not by politicians.
Prem Gaffar, a new sannyasin, says: “I’ve started to stand off and observe things and it looks as if… people are destroying themselves… The world is destroying itself.”
With soaring sales of military assault rifles for personal use, the gun debate is still sharply divided in the USA, writes Prem Geet.
The emotions that come up even if one is not directly involved, are fundamentally human, writes Lindsay Holmes in The Huffington Post on June 13, 2016.