

What little the general population hears about Ukraine are the constant violent political and ethnic armed conflicts with Russia. What is not known much about are how people live amid this turmoil, for example, a teenager. Published on BBC, February 21, 2019.

Bhagawati writes about the implications of the race to Moon and Mars undertaken by the USA, Russia and China, and shows Osho’s incredible insight into the status quo.

A new centre in the making – but still much to do. The plan is for it to be the first very large Osho centre in New York that will offer a full schedule of daily Osho meditations, including bodywork, creative workshops and meditative therapies.

Following the increasing political war speeches on this planet, it is obvious that we, the people, are forgotten in all those grand schemes and threats. Victoria-Lola M. Leon Guerrero, an inhabitant of long-suffering but little-known Guam, writes an open letter, expressing her take on the events. Published in the Boston Review on August 11, 2017.

A brief look at their well-documented history and the ongoing denial by most governments that they exists; by Bhagawati.

Osho, it has been said that violence is as American as apple pie. Why is the United States – a country that prides itself as a land of freedom – such a violent place? Is there a relation between violence in America and its so-called freedom?