A poem by Sarah Kay, recited on video by the author
Shoutout Colorado’s interview focuses on Waduda’s strength as female CEO and co-founder of New Earth Records. Published March 22, 2022.
Upchara talks to Punya about the Women’s Liberation Group, a process she ran first in Pune, then in Italy and South America. She is now bringing it to Spain and Greece.
Amala Paul is a popular outspoken Indian film actress who mainly appears in Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu films. Published in The Times of India, September 29, 2021.
“Men have not allowed women to become enlightened… to be anything that is their potential,” states Osho.
Amrita Chengappa moved to a small village in Uttarakhand in 2002 in search of a simpler life, writes Divya Sethu. Published in The Better India, April 17, 2021
Veeno’s Tarot reading: “The Queen of Clubs is all about the mother of the questioner. About her loving heart but also about the complexity of her role in today’s society.”
Veeno’s Tarot reading: “The Queen of Hearts is flooded with love and serenity of spirit. She stands for the moving, the emotional, the creative, the soulful of the feminine.”
Excerpts from a talk given by Vandana Shiva, well-known Indian physicist, thinker, author, environmental activist and food sovereignty advocate.
Inspiring 68 year-old woman desperately needed funds for her ailing husband and found a solution. Published on BBC, February 10, 2020.
Andrew Whitehead (her biographer) writes about this British woman’s remarkable story. Published by BBC on March 7, 2019.
Pratiksha Apurv’s recent exhibition highlights her journey into mysticism, writes Parul Leekha. Published in The Hindu, March 27, 2018
Savita Devi is leading a group of 10 Dalit (formerly known as untouchable) women who have broken stereotypes by coming together to form a drum band. Published on BBC on October 2, 2017.
Every afternoon, the grandmothers of Phangane village wrap pink saris around themselves and slip abacuses and chalkboard into their backpacks. They are going to school. Satyaki Ghosh documented their journey. Published by BBC on March 8, 2017
“Man and woman attract each other; this mutual attraction stems from their desire to be united and one,” writes Sadhana in Asian Age on March 8, 2017
Review of Bruna Rotunno’s astounding photo book featuring women in Bali by Bhagawati: “This stunning photo book is homage to the entire female species.”
Beloved Master, You always said that women are better than men as far as ruling and governing people is concerned.
Some cults consider women to be superior to men, writes Rachel Hosie in The Independent, UK, on December 20, 2016
In the highlands of West Sumatra, a man is considered a guest in his wife’s home, writes Rathina Sankari on BBC on September 22, 2016.
Ageh Bharti, an octogenarian, tirelessly travels around India to host Osho events. He reports from the latest occasion in Assam.
Reading books is tied to a longer life, according to a new report, writes Nicholas Bakalar in The New York Times on August 3, 2016
Osho, it has been said that violence is as American as apple pie. Why is the United States – a country that prides itself as a land of freedom – such a violent place? Is there a relation between violence in America and its so-called freedom?
Prem Geet reviews this brave, no-holds-barred documentary from 2009 that is currently broadcast on PBS in the USA. It is about Islam, feminism and change in a West Virginia Muslim community.
This is the story of an extraordinary uprising, a movement of 6,000 barely educated women labourers who took on one of the most powerful companies in the world.
“Ego always thinks of softness as weakness. That’s why women have been thought down the ages to be the weaker sex,” states Osho in a darshan.
Naina writes about Durga Puja, the worship of the mother goddess, one of the most important festivals of India.
Bible believers are beside themselves about the prospect that marriage norms and laws are changing, says Valeri Tarico at Raw Story.
“When you feel that your menstruation is coming, try to watch, try to see what it is bringing along with it,” says Osho.
Aristotle (ca. 384 BCE – 322 BCE), together with Socrates and Plato, laid much of the groundwork for western philosophy.
A social experiment staged by Indian actor Varun Pruthi.
A sensitive portrayal of extraordinary women struggling to hold on to their extraordinary society filmed by Xiaoli Zhou and Brent E. Huffman, shown by PBS Frontline Broadcast.
Actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson’s speech at the UN Headquarters in New York City, 21st September 2014.
Sammoda writes about Bodha’s (Chris Crowstaff) and his challenging work for a ‘Safe World for Women’.
Naina writes about one of the last remaining matrilineal societies on the planet in Meghalaya, one of the seven sister states of North-East India. Meghalaya means ‘the abode of clouds’ in Sanskrit and other Indo-Iranian languages.
The ladies shown here in a trailer for a BBC documentary on Channel 4 have an average age of 80. They are determined to look fabulous, have fun and redefine old age.
Singer and activist Sting talks about the meaning of manhood and the importance of incorporating also the female principles.
After one of Divya’s (aka Zulma Reyo) retreats on Feminine Mysteries, one of her students from Mexico made this emotive video.
Beloved Osho,
You have mentioned in the past that the witches burned by the Christians knew, among other skills, how to hypnotize. It seems that in ancient Egypt too, hypnosis was practiced. It has even been suggested that Jesus was a skilled hypnotist. Was hypnosis once a respected form of healing? How did it evolve, and how did it fall into disrepute?
It is with a heavy heart that I read about another brutal gang rape by 6 or 7 men of a 29 year-old woman, this time in Punjab. Not much is yet known about the circumstances other than she is believed to have been travelling on a bus back to her village on Friday night.
It is rare to see a photo or a book cover of Osho in any of the Indonesian newspapers or magazines. Last Sunday, there was a pleasant surprise that maybe heralds a new era.
“The first commune was destroyed because of women’s jealousies. They were fighting continuously,” states Osho.
Friday 13th proved lucky for Indian women who fought the state elections as they seized the reins of government in 2 of 5 states
Svagito explains how our relationship with our mother influences our life and the relationship with other women.