2015 begins with a strong call for freedom and renewal, says Sitara.
Sun | 10° Capricorn – 12° Aquarius |
Moon | 21° Taurus – 9° Cancer |
Mercury, retrograde from 21st | 24° Capricorn – 9° Aquarius |
Venus | 27° Capricorn – 5° Pisces |
Mars | 21° Aquarius – 15° Pisces |
Jupiter, retrograde | 22° – 18° Leo |
Saturn | 1°- 3° Sagittarius |
Chiron | 14° – 15° Pisces |
Uranus | 13° Aries |
Neptune | 5° – 6° Pisces |
Pluto | 13° – 14° Capricorn |
North Node | 15° – 12° Libra |
Lilith | 4° – 7° Virgo |
Full Moon, 5th 54.54 h GMT | 15° Cancer |
New Moon, 20th, 13.15 h GMT | 0° Aquarius |
Mood of the Moment
The year begins with a strong call for freedom and renewal. The tendency to discontent is rising – a tendency that is deeply rooted in human nature and used by every political movement to their advantage: No matter what the situation is, the finger will always be pointed to that which is still missing. Notwithstanding, Chiron is pointing to the fundamental imperfection of life and Uranus now promises a wide range of small openings and innovations. On top of that Saturn warns that whining won’t get us anywhere – instead, start doing your homework and then move on to gradually construct something better.
It’s highly likely that at the beginning of the month a lot of turmoil will mark our private and social lives but this won’t result in gradual social improvement just yet as Saturn’s influence is too recent. Individually we are lucky to have more leeway. We can enjoy all that which is easy and try to push it further. At the same time, we can also be aware that not everything can work out and that we will have to cut back in many areas, needing a lot of staying power. Moreover, if we familiarise ourselves more and more with the increasing Neptune influence on what we recognize as the river of life, January fades out peacefully and even energetic.
Aries: A month replete with opportunity! The first half of January is inspiring, even exciting, and can be very fulfilling. However, you tend to have exaggerated demands that then lead to disappointment. Should that happen, approach life more playfully. In the second half of the month all depends on how much you succeed in remaining anchored in the presence and going with the flow. The more wilfulness you employ, the more resistance will pile up. Remain light, flexible and open and sail effortlessly into the new year.
Taurus: January is a good time for new beginnings. You can give the old a make-over, try out something new, and risk small experiments without losing the ground beneath your feet. In the second half of the month your likes and dislikes could make life difficult for you. Create visions, but don’t expect everything to work out exactly according to your wishes. Instead allow things the time to ripen. From the end of the month on this will be easier for you – because on the one hand you are relaxed and on the other, more realistic.
Gemini: A new development starts this month, where you creatively reconcile the new and the old by designing a positive solution tailored for you. The entire process will last well into March and tangles could occur, usually based on misunderstandings. Watch out during the last third of January to analyse situations closely and understand them clearly. If this is not the case, try to refrain from making decisions; in this way you’ll avoid unnecessary complications.
Cancer: You can now adapt to Chiron’s prudent energy and deal with everything step by step. Or, you tune in more into Pluto – he will intensify everything, you will go the whole hog and demand radical honesty from yourself and others. Naturally, an optimal course is a combination of both forces; in particular Pluto needs a moderating counter-balance. The second half of January is there for experimentation. To remain in the old fairway now would be a missed opportunity. Jump into the new adventure!
Leo: A rather serious entry into the new year which is not by mistake. It’s about inventory, clarification and rearranging your affairs and about placing you perfectly sincere in your own reality. During the last third of the month things loosen up, because a future perspective opens up again, making you more free and playful. Now you can dare a fresh start – preferably not single-handedly but together with friends and kindred spirits. Dare to step onto unknown terrain.
Virgo: Stick to the simple and at what gives you security. At the same time find ways to give others a sense of security. Towards the end of the month the energy will become more radical. You tend to discontent, impatience and anger. Instead of making your (and others’ lives) difficult because of unrealistic expectations, find ways to express your power creatively. Counteract restlessness with healing winter walks, energetic exercises in warm water, and all types of active meditation.
Libra: Enter the new year with joy. Saturn is giving you grounding and Uranus is bestowing wings to you! But don’t make the mistake of putting your goals too high up; rather be happy with all the small bits and bobs falling into your lap. You don’t have to win the jackpot in order to enjoy life! At the end of January take yourself onto a higher level. From a personal point of view things might appear adverse but viewed from a higher vantage point you realize that you can grow and become stronger because of them. Take on the challenge.
Scorpio: A brilliant month! Tensions will only crop up in relationships but you can prevent this from happening. Problems arise when you disregard the needs and sensitivities of others. Not everybody is as tough and strong-willed as you are and if you don’t bear that in mind others will withdraw because they feel overcome or overwhelmed. But you have a very sensitive side, capable of empathizing with others – you have to do just that, even if it doesn’t suit your plans.
Sagittarius: Getting into your Saturn years is quite affable. Your focus gradually shifts from the carrot in front of the nose that lures you constantly with seemingly new opportunities, back to the here and now. Saturn requires an accurate review of the current situation, putting much on hold for now. Use the time wisely instead of giving obstacles too much energy or getting worked up about them. The more relaxed you proceed and the more you augment your optimism with reliability, the more light-hearted January will be.
Capricorn: The tension of last month is still resonating and you are putting yourself under strong pressure – and possibly others too. Saturn and Chiron refer to more moderate solutions. The first step is to slow down a bit, but at the same time giving all that you’ve got. This is not comfortable, but fortunately you grow with resistance. Nevertheless, try to appear a little humane around full moon, in particular also with yourself. In the second half of January you are wrestling for more clarity in matters of the heart.
Aquarius: This month, you’re totally in your element. You enjoy the many new impressions and impulses that you receive and often succeed in finding constructive ways to put them into practice. In your relationships however, you sometimes ask for too much. Free yourself from fixed ideas. In the second half of January, clear thinking is required: Pay close attention to what you say and examine what you hear. Mercury retrograde is the cause for mistakes and misunderstandings until the end of February.
Pisces: With Chiron you land softly in the new year and theoretically you could continue to drift through January. However, in association with Lilith, Saturn demands a little more from you. They form the counterweight to the strong Neptune energy that else could pull the rug from under the feet. Lilith and Saturn ask questions that make it clear that you failed to notice important details. Having also to take care of tedious details will ground you, facing up to unpleasant things will make you strong.
Sitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers. www.astro-sitara.de
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