Illustrated Osho Quotes

Art Gallery

Creativity by Antar Marc.

It is our greatest treasure to be able to wait for the right moment. The whole existence waits for the right moment.
It is our greatest treasure to be able to wait for the right moment. The whole existence waits for the right moment. Osho

After finishing my studies at the Dutch Arnhem Art Academy, I became a sannyasin. That was in spring 1983, and I learned, lived and loved for more than seven years in many international Osho communes. However, as most of the communes dissolved in 1990, I had to find a new direction. I studied Human Resources Management and found a great job as a teacher.

Love, and you will know what meditation is, meditate, and you will know what love is.
Love, and you will know what meditation is, meditate, and you will know what love is. Osho

Since I retired last year, after almost 25 years of lecturing and coaching at a Dutch fashion institute, there is more freedom to live my own life and do my own things. In the early morning I like to read and search on the internet, and there I saw an illustrated Osho quote: ‘My vision of freedom is to be yourself.’ And that’s how I got the idea to collect illustrated Osho quotes.

Real communication happens in silence.
Real communication happens in silence. Osho

When you search on the internet for illustrated Osho quotes there are hundreds of them. They have been created in the last 30 (internet) years, and you can search for almost any topic Osho speaks about: awareness, anger, beauty, Buddha, religion, love, meditation, etc. Some are long quotes, some are short – I like the strong and short quotes. Some have the book title and chapter mentioned, some don’t, and I like it without. The design has to appeal to me and the image has to support the quote.

Life in itself has no meaning. Life is an opportunity to create meaning. Osho
Life in itself has no meaning. Life is an opportunity to create meaning. Osho

I started to post nice ones on the Facebook site of ‘Vrienden van Osho’ and the readers liked it. However, after a while I realised that many images were outdated, so I made new ones myself that could fit more with me and this time; more colour and light and less ‘esoteric’. The saying is: ‘Each time has its own images’, and the Osho quotes are still strong… so I had new ideas.

My definition of religion is, to be in tune with nature. Osho
My definition of religion is, to be in tune with nature. Osho

For four months I was able to create new ones almost every day. I did this mostly by lying down on the couch, feeling what Osho expressed in the quote, visualising what kind of image could fit for it, and then searching on the internet for an image that ‘fit’. Sometimes I asked Rana, my wife, to have a look at it too, because she has a more female look at life.

If you cannot enjoy your own company, who else is going to enjoy it? Osho
If you cannot enjoy your own company, who else is going to enjoy it? Osho

And that is how I learned more about online graphic design and marketing, Osho and myself, and created more than hundred illustrated Osho Quotes.

The earth and the sky are not separate. Osho
The earth and the sky are not separate. Osho

It was an interesting journey for me, and it is free publicity for Osho, so if you like it, share it!

Never believe anything – unless you experience it. Osho
Never believe anything – unless you experience it. Osho


Antar Marc

Marc is an artist, coach, lecturer and writer of essays about topics of general interest.

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