(8 March 1955 – 21 September 2024)
Marga launches a new Human Design series, Three Channels a Month, starting with the three Manifesting Channels
“Alexander the Great, or others of his category – are perhaps searching for something else, and are not aware of it. They are searching for greatness – but greatness does not come from acquiring an empire. Greatness comes from becoming your real self, bringing your potentiality to actualization.”
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; ““We are always in the present… We can project in the future great illusions, but still we are here-now.”
“…of dropping the mind, of moving from the bridge, moving into the unknown, taking a jump into the mysterious.” (with audio)
“The moment a synchronicity happens… between the heart of the man of the vertical and the heart of the man who is not yet vertical… you also start moving vertically.”
To conclude her series of articles on Synchronicity, Phoebe refers to Osho’s words on the symbolism of the cross representing the horizontal and the vertical states of consciousness
Experiments and innovative ideas thanks to brilliant minds coming together in Dadu farming on the Ranch. Part 1 of Saten’s notes
“You should be faithful only to love, not to the lover. Both should be faithful to love, as long as it lasts. If it lasts your whole life, good. If it does not last your whole life that is even better!”
Samadhi writes from Nepal; “At Osho Tapoban I experience the confluence of the paths of devotion and meditation.”
“Not only Buddha, nobody has come down from the seventh heaven, ever. But a few people get obsessed, identified with their reflections.”
A compilation of interviews of Osho sannyasins, by Francesco Gatti & Vikrant A. Sentis, reviewed by Divo
In this excerpt from the newly-published book, Osho Oral History, Kavisho talks about her days as a librarian
Osho speaks on ‘Decision’ in a darshan; “Whenever it is a question of choosing between the old and the new, always choose the new.”
This month’s reviews by Madhuri of books by Hafiz, Barry Long, Joseph Wambaugh, Mavis Marsh with Andrew Crofts, Pete Goss, Catherine Cookson, Michèle Knight, Rebecca Musser with M. Bridget Cook, Ralph Barker
“Trusting me you will be able to trust yourself, because trusting me, for the first time you will start tasting what trust is.”
From Chitbodhi’s memoir, One Life. Co-protagonists are: “A teacher, Dr. L. and 26 incredible classmates!”
A powerful Tibetan healing mantra captured live on video, during Deva Premal & Miten’s 2024 European Tour
There was a man who worked for the Post Office whose job was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses.
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Be a witness to it all and you will know something that is beyond birth, beyond death…”
“This is a man who lives in the here and now: This cake is delicious. Even death is irrelevant. The next moment is meaningless. This moment this cake is delicious.”
Interview with Ustad Zakir Hussain (9 March 1951 – 16 December 2024) published in The Rajneesh Times Intl on 16 March 1988