Healing with João de Deus

Healing & Meditation

Madya relates the story of being healed with the help of João de Deus, aka John of God.

Ever since taking sannyas, I have enjoyed participating in meditation retreats. Over Easter 2010, I travelled to Ibiza for a 10-day Vipassana course. I had a beautiful time, but suddenly, on the 6th day while I was sitting silently, I felt tremendous pain, as if somebody had cut with a large knife through my left shoulder, all the way through flesh, muscles and bones.

It was so painful that I started to cry. From that time on the pain in my left shoulder increased, and got so intense that I could hardly move my left arm. When I asked the meditation teacher for advice about what had happened to me he just said that this is karmic.

After returning to Vienna, I signed up for several treatments such as massage, acupuncture, electrotherapy and others, yet nothing really worked. The pain became chronic. Even if there was a short relief felt, the pain remained and then flared up again. Finally I met a clairvoyant who told me that I got killed by sword in a past life.

So far, so strange. As the pain continued during the entire year of 2010 and a lot of family troubles developed that involved me, I lost a little bit of my trust in life and became somewhat depressed, not knowing what to do next.

As I love the Mystic Rose meditation (21-day process of laughter, crying, and silence that I had done six times already), I decided to participate again at Osho Nisarga in March 2011 with Ma Prem Leela. Meditating at the feet of the Himalayas I found again my silence and regained the inner joy of life. The pain became less yet was far from resolved.

At the end of the crying week a participant from the USA told me of the healer John of God. I became curious and googled him. To my surprise I found out that at the end of March when I would be back home, John would be coming to visit Vienna for the first time. What a coincidence!

Immediately I phoned the organisers but was told that all tickets were sold out for weeks. The next day it became crystal clear to me that I absolutely had to participate and phoned again. The organiser told me that the same moment I phoned, two ladies were there to return a one-day ticket and asked if I wanted that ticket! Of course I did but she insisted I had to pay on that same day, so after more phone calls I reached my partner who paid up and secured my ticket.

Now I really got curious about this man.

Joao de Deus
João de Deus

Back in Vienna I went to his event; more than 3000 people were there and although it was kind of crowded, I felt a deep silence. I stood in line to see him, passed him once and received a spiritual meditation, which was nice, but did not solve my physical problems. They also offered crystal bed sessions and I booked for one of those. I liked it so much that I started to book a session once a month with a lady in Vienna who was trained by John and the entities. They also sold energised water and I started to drink this instead of juices, which may have also supported the process of becoming healthy again.

The crystal bed sessions really helped and I could finally see some improvement in my physical condition. Meanwhile I also found a good homeopath who supported my healing journey. When the lady doing the crystal beds sessions went to Abadania in Brazil where John of God’s center is, she got herbs energized by John of God especially for me. I started taking those at the end of August.

I decided to fly to Brazil unless my physical condition would have totally improved by the end of 2011, as my homeopathic counsellor had promised. As you might guess, I had to fly to Brazil.

When I arrived I needed about a week to get accustomed to the setup there, and everybody was friendly to me. On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays were ‘Casa days’, which means João de Deus was present there. He is a full trance medium and can let spirits and doctors work through his body. He is in a kind of sleeping state while the entities – mainly healers and doctors – speak through him. They move his body or give special treatments to the person asking for help.

During that first week I was learning, meditating and getting to know the center. In the second week I had my first spiritual operation, an incredible experience: While I was sitting in his operation room together with another fifty people I could clearly see myself lying on an operating table and how the entities cut and opened my left shoulder blade and took out a bullet and other stuff.

But whenever I opened my eyes, my body was just sitting normally in a chair! I have never experienced something like this before. After the operation we were given instructions to lie down immediately and sleep for at least 24 hours. We were told to rest and slow down for 40 days, and to follow a special diet and take herbs energized for us. I really did sleep for many hours; in the first week I could walk only for a little while, maybe for a maximum of 15 minutes. Normally I am an athletic type and like to walk, bike or run. So I really had to rest and cool my heels for those 40 days.

I took my herbs three times a day, and drank a lot of the energised water. As I am a vegetarian, it was easy to follow a diet of not eating pork, no pepper or chilli, no alcohol, which is something I rarely do anyway, and no sex for 40 days. As I was abroad, no problem for me and my partner.

This diet supports the healing process so all I had to do was to focus on myself. I booked more crystal bed sessions and remained a lot in silence. We were supported to sit silently if possible 2 to 3 hours per day. I did a lot of inner reconciliation work, also dealing with my family issues.

During the next three weeks, I got three more operations which supported my further healing process. At the end of my stay of one month I asked if the healing process was finished but I was told not yet; I felt much better, yet still weak. So I rearranged my schedule to come back in March 2012 for another two weeks.

What was most important to me was that I started to trust my own healing process again. My pain was chronic, but now I had always days free of pain which was already a good breakthrough. I noticed the pain always came back as soon as I felt stressed.

I often saw healings happening to other people. One was a young blind man from Brazil. One day I saw this young man while he was standing in the line, his hand on the shoulder of his mother as he could not see anything. When John came to him, a spontaneous physical operation happened. Afterwards I saw him at the bookshop and I could hardly believe my own eyes as he was able to see and walk on his own. It was so incredible I started to cry.

Witnessing such events touched me very much and tears would well up again and again. Seeing other people being healed gave me immense trust for my own healing process. In comparison to my own pain people were healed also from severe illnesses, such as cancer. I spoke to a man from Germany who had prostate cancer. He was given the diagnosis before he left for Brazil and he made the same tests after his stay of four weeks and the cancer was gone. After another six months, the time I met him, he came back to Brazil and was still healthy.

I also met a woman with severe cancer who was told that John could not offer more help for her physical condition. But the entities promised to help with her passing over and I heard that this woman died in grace. So everybody in need of help is welcomed there.

All that I saw and heard helped me to open up even more. I have been teaching creative thinking for 20 years but never worked with severely ill people. So now I really understand how we all are in the hands of grace and how our consciousness creates diseases to help the individual to grow spiritually.

I returned to Abadania in March for two more weeks during which I had another two operations. My sleep improved, the chronic pain went away. Still, a little imbalance remained in my shoulder to remind me to really take care of myself.

What I found again was joy in life! Back in Vienna I reduced my workload and started going to dance events. I found back my laughter. I took more time with my friends and my partner. I gave myself more rest. I still stay on a good vegetarian diet and take his herbs. My healing happened also on a mental and emotional level. I have become more tolerant of other beliefs as in his center the spirit of Jesus and Mary is often present. I saw that consciousness is all there is – you can call it Osho, Buddha or Jesus. So I lightened up a lot!

In August I flew again to Abadania for two more spiritual operations and my body feels as if 10 kilos have been lifted from my shoulders. I have regained confidence in myself and in life. I can really recommend to go see João de Deus for physical and spiritual help and guidance. Yahoo!

Madya TNMadya was born in Austria and studied sociology and pedagogics, and became a psychotherapist. She took sannyas in Pune in 1989 and lives and works in Vienna, teaching creative thinking and conducts workshops in Austria, Germany and Bali. She wrote the book Being Mentally Fit for a Lifetime and also works in the management area. She has been married to Wilfried for 18 years and loves meditation, singing, dancing and swimming with dolphins! www.delphintraining.at

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