Now… everybody is awake.
Be silent…
close your eyes…
Feel as if you are frozen.
Enter in.
The deeper you can,
the more you will experience
your buddha nature.
At the deepest point,
you are the ultimate reality –
immortal, eternal,
with all the blessings
that you can ever conceive of.
Don’t miss the opportunity.
It is the simplest thing in the world
to go in… because it is your own home.
You need not even knock on the doors.
In fact there are no doors inside.
It is an open space, an open sky.
But to know this open sky
is to realize
the deathless principle of your existence.
Deeper, deeper, and deeper…
Drink this life juice to your heart’s content.
And remember this peace, this silence,
this blissfulness.
Around the day,
whatever you are doing, don’t forget it.
Like an undercurrent,
let it remain there. And slowly, slowly
it will change your whole life structure.
To make it more clear – sharply clear,
You relax…
let go…
as if you have died.
One day you will.
This is just a rehearsal.
Leave the body,
forget the mind…
and move as deep as you can,
like an arrow… fast,
hitting the very center.
This is the buddha.
Come back.
But come back as buddhas,
knowing perfectly your eternal being.
Just sit down for a few seconds
to recall the memory of the territory
that you have traveled,
of the center that you have touched.
Let it become your breathing,
let it become your heartbeat.
To be a buddha is so simple,
you don’t have to go anywhere.
You have to just stop going anywhere,
and just be within yourself.
Okay, Maneesha?
Yes, Beloved Master.
Can we celebrate the ten thousand buddhas?
Yes, Beloved Master.
Osho, Dogen, the Zen Master: A Search and a Fulfillment, Ch 1
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