Horoscope September 2016


Presently we have two options, says Sitara: To anxiously watch the general loss of control or to confidently surrender to the course of events.


Virgo + Libra

Sun 10° Virgo – 8° Libra
Moon 5° Virgo – 7° Libra
Mercury, retrograde from 30th 29° – 20° Virgo
Venus 2° Libra – 9° Scorpio
Mars 17° Sagittarius – 2° Capricorn
Jupiter 28° Virgo – 5° Libra
Saturn 10° – 12° Sagittarius
Chiron, retrograde 24° – 22° Pisces
Uranus, retrograde 24° – 23° Aries
Neptune, retrograde 11° – 10° Pisces
Pluto, retrograde 15° Capricorn
North Node 13° – 11° Virgo
Lilith 11° – 15° Scorpio
New Moon, 1st 09:04h GMT 9° Virgo
Full Moon, 16th 19:06h GMT 24° Pisces


Mood of the Moment

September is a key month for many things to start moving into a new direction. As the new is about to germinate, we won’t see very strong changes just yet. Jupiter, after having been in Virgo for a year, is moving on to delight Libra. Hence for all there is now a shift in focus from care and service to sharing the joy of beauty and harmony. And Mars leaves Sagittarius end of September after his retrograde period and presents us with the harvest of the developments since March. Mercury on the other hand moves back through Virgo for three weeks and confuses even the proverbial clarity of this sign. Surely from the end of September on some arrangements will need to be corrected.

A culminating point is now the third and final Saturn-Neptune square, which for one year has seen to it that one has to watch rather powerlessly how situations can get out of hand. Everything seems to be somehow mixed up and all too often the reasons are lies, fraud and deception – but for which nobody can or will be held accountable. The regulatory Saturnian power is subject to Neptune’s chaos-creating vibrations. Two options remain: to anxiously watch the general loss of control or to confidently surrender to the course of events. We are better off with the latter. And Jupiter in peaceful Libra encourages us to let go and settle on being confident.


AriesAries: This month is still quite fiery, with all advantages and disadvantages associated with it. In the first half you quickly enter into disputes; be careful to give way in tricky situations before it morphs into a bullring. You need physical exercise for the fire to be able to operate constructively – so have a run through the forest or jump on a bicycle. During the simpler second half of the month allow yourself and others in love relationships space for personal fulfilment, to thus bypass conflicts.


TaurusTaurus: September could turn out a little turbulent, especially the second half of the month. However, inbetween there are always resting periods. With Venus in Libra you tend to react hypersensitive to any sign of imbalance and that is now counterproductive. Simply presume that also this month has its ups and downs and that you have the strength and vitality to take advantage of both. During the first half of September contribute balance, in the second, initiative.


GeminiGemini: Although you’re starting this month with Jupiter, you need patience. Since mid-August development processes are running that will come to completion at the earliest by the end of September. Because it’s not going ahead so well, there may be hectic restlessness at first, followed by discouragement. But from the middle of the month onwards the wind shifts. At first your discernments are only internally and you are able to comprehend situations in their complete depth. But soon you’ll succeed to express yourself powerfully and convincingly and be understood by others.


CancerCancer: First of all it is about seeing the details. It is not enough to deal with situations outright, to guesstimate and make do with vague ideas. Look carefully, even if this prosaic approach might be understandably sobering. On the other hand you feel more secure standing on safe ground. From there you can start in the second half of the month to endorse more color splatter, poetry and sensual pleasure and so tone down rough corners and edges.


LeoLeo: You are right in the crosshairs of the Saturn-Neptune square. In order not to lose ground under your feet stick to coping with everyday affairs. Your dreams will only get you into trouble now. Stay with what can be fully grasped and comprehended. Incidents always happen but Pluto grants you unimagined powers to make the most of them. In the second half of August your trust and your possibilities expand – especially if you collaborate with others.


VirgoVirgo: In the first third of the month a lot comes to a head and your can realize more clearly what you want your life to be about. During this process Jupiter stands at your side and encourages you to trust your visions and to give them energy. On the 9th he moves along which at first might be unsettling, making you feel sensitive and testy. But in the last third of the month Pluto offers his powerful support. Developments that started during the second half of August can be brought to a good ending.


LibraLibra: It’s looking great! For one year Jupiter is settling into your sign; he grants you confidence, optimism and cheerfulness. You will get a taste of it at the end of September. Apart from that, Uranus and Pluto will kick up a fuss, especially in the middle of the month. Use the high energy to leave the old behind and bring in the new. With Venus entering Scorpio there’s a growing readiness to take risks and have courage to be uncompromising. Let yourself in for intense experiences and encounters.


ScorpioScorpio: In the first half of the month it is about opening the heart; allow for trust. A highlight this month is the second half. First, a process of discovery comes to a final; questions and doubts that you have been occupied with since end of August find a satisfactory answer. In addition, Venus begins to traverse through Scorpio and directs your attention more towards harmony and beauty. That and Pluto, who is finally moving forwards after five months, make life more pleasant and easier. It’s making headway.


SagittariusSagittarius: Finally you benefit from Mars running in direct motion! On top of that Venus plays a greater role for a year: a time for love, creativity and enjoyment. Nevertheless
the Saturnine influence abides – its square with Neptune once again confuses and obscures situations. Take it sportingly and search persistently for a way. In the middle of the month your nerves could be on edge, but quarrels will definitely not help you along. In the second half of the month your confidence grows again and new doors are opening


CapricornCapricorn: A patchy month. For one thing you benefit from Pluto in regard to your goals and visions, as well as in all things pertaining to verbal and intellect. You will succeed to formulate your ideas comprehensively and logical, so they are conveyed convincingly. That makes you feel more secure. On the downside, Neptune causes repeatedly for things you seem to have had under control to apparently slip away. Consider this as an exercise in tolerating frustration, and continue to seek for more intelligent solutions.


AquariusAquarius: First, the dynamics leave a lot to be desired; somehow there’s a spanner in the works.But for that you can swiftly pass through your activities in the second half of September – unless you are working in an artistic realm. There and in matters of the heart you could encounter opposition. This happens frequently because you didn’t accommodate the other enough. If you perceive others now attentively, exciting fruitful meetings will happen that are inspirational for all parties – personally and professionally.


PiscesPisces: Saturn intensifies his attempts to gain validity in your life. Wherever there is a lack of realism, structure, discipline or patience in your life, he calls you to order. His objective is to make you into a mature personality with both feet on the ground, able to bear responsibility and willing do the needful, even when it’s not much fun at times. Additionally, in the second half of the month Chiron, who represents similar values, prompts you to accept life in its imperfection.


SitaraSitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers. www.astro-sitara.de

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