Sitara says, “…we are at a point where, by taking a turn for the better in the new direction, the seed of a brighter future is being cast.”
Sun | 11° Pisces – 11° Aries |
Moon | 11° Aries – 4° Gemini |
Mercury | 5° Pisces – 0° Taurus |
Venus, retrograde from 4th | 13° – 1° Aries |
Mars | 23° Aries – 16° Taurus |
Jupiter, retrograde | 22° – 19° Libra |
Saturn | 27° Sagittarius |
Chiron | 24° – 26° Pisces |
Uranus | 22° – 24° Aries |
Neptune | 12° – 13° Pisces |
Pluto | 19° Capricorn |
North Node | 22° – 21° Virgo |
Lilith | 3° – 1° Virgo |
Full Moon 12th, 15.54 h GMT | 22° Virgo |
New Moon 28th, 4.57 h GMT | 8° Aries |
Mood of the Moment
March will be marked by two of this year’s great constellations. Both times it’s Jupiter in Libra, who, on the one hand, connects with rebellious Uranus and on the other, with powerful Pluto. Jupiter’s expansive power in Libra stands for harmonious coexistence and peaceful solutions, in particular on a global scale. Uranus and Pluto can support this concern with innovative ideas, courage and willpower. A polarization may occur, with each planet pursuing its own agenda. Transferred to world events, a peaceful, power-loving and liberating alliance can crystallize – with possible overlaps. If everyone would act in concert, many of this planet’s problems would quickly disappear. Unfortunately, this is rather unlikely, especially since Venus, responsible for harmony, is on a quest for inner vision, and therefore not yet ready to vigorously join the game.
Then again, the constellations are not a fire-hazard. Above all, in the Age of Aquarius the opposition of Jupiter and Uranus can fully unfold its immensely positive potential: to develop visions of a more just and richer world on all levels, to represent them full of optimism and enthusiasm, and then, preferably with Pluto’s support, implement them vigorously and prudently. All this still takes some time; but we are at a point where, by taking a turn for the better in the new direction, the seed of a brighter future is being cast.
Aries: Soon it will be quieter, sparks are flying only mentally. In your relationships as well as in the creative field, stock taking is called for. Respectively verify what is consistent and suitable for a new beginning from the end of April onwards and prepare for that. In March many things develop a bit slower and less impressive than you would like but don’t underestimate the power of perseverance. If you continuously reshape your visions, and as to the rest move step by step, you will reach your goal.
Taurus: Also this month is determined by dynamism, enterprising enthusiasm and creative energy. Because of retrograde Venus some things take longer than expected, and much has to be thought over one more time. But that should not discourage you. Summon up strength and ideas by exchanging with others, and always take the time for a retreat, relaxation and meditation. If you keep on moving, for example with yoga, chi gong or tai chi, the mobilized energy will benefit your intentions.
Gemini: The first half of the month demands of you the courage to let go. You carry little in your hand now, and the more you try to get things under control, the more frustrating it becomes. Trust in something bigger in which you have little say at present; you will have the experience that it indeed carries you. In the second half of March, on the other hand, you need the courage to stand by your truth. Be diplomatic, but be faithful to yourself. Grant others a new perspective instead of telling them what they want to hear.
Cancer: The first half of March is still under the sign of solicitude. Now you are intensely trying to come to grips with the question of how much care you need for yourself and trying to find a harmonious balance between nurturing your own needs and those of others. Although it is about prudence and compassion and even about actively supporting others, it is not about you dissolving in them. With the New Moon in Aries at the end of March it will be easier for you to develop a healthy self-love.
Leo: It continues to be about compassion, willingness to help and dedication to something greater, to a widening of the horizon and the desire for deeper insights – while the latter is gaining more importance. Get closer to the deeper insights by talking to others and reading and listening to that which broadens your spiritual horizon. In the middle of the month, you have to deal with the fact that, despite your best intentions, you cannot always accomplish what you have in view. Yet remain rooted in love and act from the heart.
Virgo: In the first half of the month you will be given a headwind. Perhaps you then realise that you are not yet at peace with yourself. Clarifying conversations can help you, or simply writing down your thoughts and bringing light to the darkness. Let this light lead you during the second half of March. Now you are in harmony with yourself and your wonderful qualities: the desire to always bring out the very best from yourself, foresight, helpfulness, distinctiveness and diligence.
Libra: In this month, the impact of Uranus intensifies again, that had already caused disquiet in December by questioning the status quo. Now you come to a turning point – either about your search for spirituality or your quest for fulfilment in worldly terms. Whatever is missing for you, Uranus urges to find new ways. Your idea of love and harmony could radically change in the course of the upcoming change in perspective.
Scorpio: In March, themes from November / December 2016 are being reactivated and are pushing for a solution. Foremost, it is important to shift your orientation away from the problematic to the resources. Focus on what works, on the positive and the constructive. For this, difficult things need not be swept under the table. But turning to true trust means that you can let things run for once – simply because life often finds much better solutions than you do.
Sagittarius: Your ideas and decisions during the last two months of 2016 are now moving into a verification phase. Perhaps you have reoriented yourself, but overlooked the wider context in which you are moving. Even if the new orientation is right, it needs people with whom you can make it work, and to find them, you need more willingness to compromise. Find ways to communicate tactfully, because if you snub others, you run the risk of losing them.
Capricorn: How much control is needed so things go well in life and everybody feels at ease? People who feel controlled are often tense and co-operate to a lesser extent. In the first half of March, you are confident and calm, but from the middle of the month you tend to control situations or people. Basically trust is now the best solution – but not blindly and unconditionally. If you feel unsure, harness the horses but keep the reins slack.
Aquarius: Your ability to look at things “from on high” helps you not to involve yourself too much emotionally. Whether your action is constructive depends on how the view from above is. Is it aloof, egocentric and cold? Or is it benevolent, wise, and warm-hearted? Jupiter represents the latter qualities and helps you now to develop and express them more. Your clear analyses, along with Jupiter’s strengths, can become better understood and more effective, so that you can actually achieve your goals.
Pisces: Clear communication continues to be a learning issue. Find familiar people who will give you clear feedback on your manner of expression. It is rare to see through one’s own game if one has the tendency to dither around in some area. As a counterbalance to your communication training find opportunities for meditation, indulgence in music and other art, or pleasant stays in nature. Because here communication works without words; you know yourself to be understood and in good hands, because you master this “language” fluently.
Sitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers.
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