Baa Baa Land

From the Web

An eight-hour, slow-motion epic entirely starring sheep on location in Essex, England.

The film was produced by the folks at Calm, producers of mindfulness meditation products, including mindfulness-based guided meditations and Sleep Stories. It is their first feature film showing a form of meditation, maybe a dream, an enchantment – or the most boring movie of all times.

In a world of constant stress and information overload
of anxious days and restless nights
comes the chance at last to pause, to breathe,
to calm our racing minds and fretful souls,
to sit and stare – at sheep.

Watch the excerpt from this meditation movie that has already been cut down from an originally 14 to 8 hours.

If you desire some more action shown by sheep, you can switch over to the ever entertaining ‘Shaun the Sheep’.

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