Sitara says, this April is just like its reputation, namely patchy. There’s a little bit of everything, you can’t have any expectations besides that both pleasant and unpleasant situations will change again.
Sun | 11° Aries – 11° Taurus |
Moon | 17° Libra- 22° Scorpio |
Mercury, retrograde until 15th | 13° Aries |
Venus | 1° Taurus – 8° Gemini |
Mars | 8° – 23° Capricorn |
Jupiter, retrograde | 22° – 19° Scorpio |
Saturn, retrograde from 18th | 9° Capricorn |
Chiron | 29° – 1° Aries |
Uranus | 27° – 28° Aries |
Neptune | 15° – 16° Pisces |
Pluto, retrograde from 22nd | 21° Capricorn |
North Node | 12° – 11° Leo |
Lilith | 16° – 19° Capricorn |
New Moon, 16th, 1.58h GMT | 26° Aries |
Full Moon, 30th, 0.59h GMT | 10° Scorpio |
Mood of the Moment
Astrologically speaking, this April is just like its reputation, namely patchy. There’s a little bit of everything, you can’t have any expectations besides that both pleasant and unpleasant situations will change again. Being at peace with such a state is an art. Throughout the whole month, Venus accompanies us with conciliatory constellations and helps develop this art of living. But for that you first have to want to develop it. After all, essentially it is a matter of attitude whether you prefer to be at war with the facts or to be at peace.
It starts already in the morning: If you begin the day with thoughts about pending tasks, worries and problems, you tend to be already enmeshed in a struggle. Rather, simply by beginning the day reflecting on the inner and outer resources available to you, creates a friendly, peaceful atmosphere. And it is most likely that the day will continue in the same way as it began. If you still want to help it along, you are invited to repeat this resource meditation several times a day and go to bed with it.
In addition to Venus, also the second Jupiter-Pluto-Sextile helps to pay more attention to one’s own resources than to possible difficulties. The Sextile started in January and will be effective into autumn. It is worth taking a look back at January to determine which topics are the foremost important to you.
Aries: Saturn will test your determination and enthusiasm during the first week; ensure thoroughness and set your goals precisely. In the second week, relationships, communication and joint ventures are the resources that make life easier for you. The New Moon brings surprising turns. It is important not to overstrain yourself, because Chiron is new to Aries and you need gentle acclimatization. In the last third of the month, continue to move slowly and then much will sort itself out.
Taurus: An all-round pleasant April! Venus accompanies you, and when it says goodbye to Gemini, the Sun has already placed itself at your side. In the first half of the month, Mars and Saturn will give you energy, stamina and determination, which benefits all endeavours. In the middle of the month, don’t expect too much from others or from yourself, because that can significantly affect this propitious time. The last third of April becomes a bit more serious, yet you remain open and flexible.
Gemini: During this month you will be alerted to the shortcomings, misjudgements or incompletions of late that remain to be addressed. Fortunately, you usually don’t lack good ideas, and hence you will lead everything to a satisfying result. You need to be patient, especially in the first half of the month. Take a close look at situations, weigh things up, and then take a step-by-step approach to bring about an improvement. End of April you will find support. Pay full attention to clear and honest communication.
Cancer: The first half of the month is dominated by new contacts and the nurturing of relationships. Enjoy sharing the beauty of life with others. Compromises are inevitable in human coexistence, but do not exaggerate. Otherwise, you won’t feel free and Aries New Moon, together with Uranus, will strike out for a radical liberation blow. Basically, however, it enriches your life with refreshing innovations. A good opportunity to give yourself a go! In the last third of April, more calm and harmony will set in.
Leo: A creative April! Start the month with a detailed analysis of the areas in your life that may need it. If there is something that needs to be changed, you can also act immediately. Take responsibility for taking steps in a new direction. Don’t aim too high but do something. In the first three weeks you have the best chance of reviving gridlocked situations or create something completely different – which you can still shape and stabilise in the last third of the month.
Virgo: For you, a new era is starting now. Chiron, whose position plays an important role for the Virgo, moves into Aries for a few months until end of September 2018 – and will eventually stay there for eight years from March 2019 onwards. The Aries component makes your basic mood much more uncomplicated than you know it, allowing more energy available to you. You can approach obstacles in a more spirited and easy-going way and will be ready to take risks, even if others advise against it.
Libra: A relatively quiet April – maybe it’s even too colourless for you. Around mid-month you tend to push yourself and others to make more out of the circumstances. But this month is better for consolidation than for advancing or reinventing things. If this is too boring for you, look for the interesting things by furthering what is already there. It is not until the end of April that you grow wings again, and you can develop new ideas and plan their implementation together with others.
Scorpio: This month you can reap the first rewards of what began in January. In April, most processes tend to run rather quietly, which will become even more pronounced in the coming months. You expand inwardly, so to speak – which does not exclude manifestations in the outside world. Just don’t expect it – neither from yourself nor from others. The less fuss you make about it, the more enriching the developments. Enjoy and remain silent, without drama, without flights of fancy. The last week of April brings an energy boost.
Sagittarius: Look back: As for Scorpios, you now also benefit from what has already been shown or initiated in January. The developments are moving into the next round, so to speak, and deep within you the first seeds are already sprouting that will start to flower and bear fruit from September onwards. On the surface, nothing much has to move now. Knowing this will allow you to relax joyfully into what is already on the way. Nevertheless, by end of April you can also implement tangible measures.
Capricorn: In the first week it is important to be alert instead of pushing yourself and others unnecessarily. Afterwards more confidence comes into play. Think of the developments that have already taken place this year and allow yourself time for joint experience of what is at your disposal here and now. Instead of cultivating communality, you can also meditate, enjoy music and art or go for a walk. Over the course of the month, the energy is anyway turning more inward – but leaves you with sufficient strength for work and every day activities.
Aquarius: Whatever you want to initiate vigorously, better do it now. Between May and November, the energy will change completely and many processes will slow down. On the other hand, you can launch many innovations in April, but they won’t bear fruit until winter at the earliest. The most dynamism develops around the New Moon and this influence will last for about three weeks. So, put aside indecision and lethargy and just try it out! You can still adjust it later.
Pisces: This month is entirely marked by relationships and a sense of community. Relationships of any kind are successful if you have common values. It does not matter whether these values are limited to television and drinking beer or whether they are ethical values or a common spiritual path. The further one deviates in one’s values from each other, the less commonality is possible. If you include this in your considerations, it is easier to create satisfying relationships.
Sitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers.
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