Sitara asserts that many adverse circumstances are caused by those who can’t cope with their inner adversity. But no matter where they manifest themselves, they belong to the quality of time, i.e. you have to face and deal with them as constructively as possible.
Sun | 9° Cancer – 9° Leo |
Moon | 10° Aquarius – 24° Pisces |
Mercury | 3° – 22° Leo |
Venus | 20° Leo – 24° Virgo |
Mars, retrograde | 9° – 3° Aquarius |
Jupiter, retrograde, direct from 10th | 13° – 14° Scorpio |
Saturn, retrograde | 6° – 4° Capricorn |
Chiron, retrograde from 4th | 2° Aries |
Uranus | 2° – 3° Taurus |
Neptune, retrograde | 16° Pisces |
Pluto, retrograde | 20° Capricorn |
North Node | 7° – 6° Leo |
Lilith | 26° – 29° Capricorn |
New Moon, 13th, 2.49 h GMT | 21° Cancer |
Full Moon, 27th, 20.21 h GMT | 5° Aquarius |
Mood of the Moment
A very variable July, during which much depends on how calmly one meets the many challenges. We find them in the outside world as well as within ourselves. In fact, many adverse circumstances are caused by those who can’t cope with their inner adversity. But no matter where they manifest themselves, they belong to the quality of time, i.e. you have to face and deal with them as constructively as possible.
The now dominating Leo energy calls on us in many ways to preserve dignity. This means that we neither move into victimhood and indignity, nor play out our own power and as a consequence take away the sense of dignity of others. What gives us dignity? We perceive those as dignified who repose within, independent of the respective circumstances, yet also act prudently by keeping a clear head regardless of their own momentary state of mind.
This month, both New Moon and Full Moon offer us ample opportunity to practice all these qualities and to test to what extent we can do justice to Leo’s energy. However, these qualities do not develop overnight, but are an expression of a longer maturation process. Hence, we need patience and forbearance if we don’t succeed straight away with our own dignity. But it is worthwhile to stay with it because true freedom develops only with said true freedom.
Aries: Verbal discipline is regarded as a high value in India, and anyone who speaks out of tune is considered uncultivated. In July, this discipline can be difficult for the fiery Aries. To be able to control oneself, to speak friendly and calmly, to stick to the truth without offending others, is a matter of practice. And what motivates you to undergo this exercise is the clear insight into the necessity of such cultural heritage – it arises as soon as you put yourself in the position of your counterpart.
Taurus: In the first half of the month old and new come to a common denominator; roots and wings within you make peace. This often happens by supporting a project into which all your heart and soul flows. In the last third of July, it is not so much a matter of practicality, but rather of opening yourself to a greater unity you are a part of and which lifts you beyond your personal matters. You develop depth and the courage to leave behind conditioned ways that gag you.
Gemini: Good news for curious Geminis: July is a month of learning. What is there to learn? Above all, it is about becoming more aware of your own strength and moving into a leading role. The only thing that prevents you from doing so is that you don’t want to commit yourself. If you want to continue to have too many irons in the fire and want to participate in all and everything, then you will continuously undermine your own authority and keep on playing in the second or third league. Be certain whether this is what you really want.
Cancer: An emotionally charged and intense time, especially around the New Moon. Now you need clear structures and practical tasks that centre you. They will make it easier for you not to be dominated by your sentiments. Accept them as they are, but don’t let them rule your life. A goal that you like to support helps you remain on the ball, even if you have to pass through frustrating situations. This will encourage you to achieve what is really important to you.
Leo: July has everything in store, and the best way for you to get through this challenging time is to reflect again and again on relaxation, regeneration, enjoyment and healing experiences. The more exciting a situation is, the more beneficial it is to briefly pull yourself out, close your eyes and give space to silence. Or sit down for a moment near a water body, under a tree – or lie down on the grass and look up into the sky. Interrupt repeatedly the hunt for success, for confirmation, for sensations, for activities.
Virgo: With Venus in your sign, one of the most beautiful Virgo qualities of July is being highlighted: helpfulness. Uranus gives you many good ideas and the ability to keep your nose out when your help is not welcome. Jupiter makes you generous, and Saturn helps you keep your boundaries if needed. With Neptune, they become blurred again, but Pluto is ready to back you up. Also have the confidence for more demanding projects – you will master them successfully.
Libra: To create great things is reserved for only just a few. But it’s the small stuff that makes up the main part of life. This month it’s all about the small stuff: paying attention to it, creating it, embellishing it. Be a co-creator by bringing in your talent for harmonizing and decorating and make your environment a more beautiful place. By the end of July, your horizon will widen – while you should continue to pay attention to details and accuracy so that your assessments don’t become vague and hazy.
Scorpio: In the first third of July you will receive confirmation and support for your ideas and for what you are. Developments that have been going on internally since April are now beginning to have an effect on the outside. But in the middle of the month it is about mastering challenges. The energy around the New Moon is extremely densified, and if it is explosively discharged, it can be very unpleasant. You need a high degree of frustration tolerance, especially in the emotional area. Choose trust, dedication and humor.
Sagittarius: In contrast to last month, July is not so much about exchanging and gathering information, but about developing an eye for larger contexts. This is not difficult for the Sagittarius, but sometimes it is problematic to implement one’s own insights – especially if this makes life less comfortable. But that’s what it’s all about from now on: to draw the consequences from what you’ve found to be valid and true – no matter how complex or difficult the implementation may seem at first.
Capricorn: In July, follow your natural disposition: with the respective goal before your eyes, you seek your way resolutely and unswervingly. Your own patience and persistence will now benefit you. On the other hand, it doesn’t serve you at all if you want to push forcefully through your concerns. You’ll only make enemies and then have to renounce the necessary cooperation with other people – which often means the end of your ambitions. People are only then possible resources if you consider and respect their peculiarity.
Aquarius: Shift down a gear during the next few months and reconsider your concerns and actions one more time. In July, make sure that they are in harmony with your surroundings. The more you consider people’s feelings, the more effectively will you avoid unnecessary friction. At the end of July you either need a lot of exercise to relieve tension, or keep retreating to pull back again and again. You tend to react prematurely, mostly because you think you’re being patronized. Breathing deeply helps every time.
Pisces: Dare to stand by yourself and look for people who endorse you instead of those who question and criticize you. You don’t expect others to be perfect, so don’t give them the right to expect perfection from you. Existence needs every possible variation, and one of them is you. The more you value yourself, the less you depend on other’s attention. You’ll enjoy it when it comes, but if it doesn’t, you can happily continue on your way.
Sitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers.
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