Chetan sent a press release about a project he has initiated in the UK.
Just launched here is The Golden Future Now project which seeks to establish a new residential Osho Centre in the UK. This will be a community of meditators welcoming visitors for a programme of workshops, retreats and healing and a first port of call for people who have heard of Osho and want to discover more. It will be a home both for people who run the community and others who live ‘normal’ lives – going to work or running a business. There is a great resource out there; sannyasins who sat with Osho, lived in his Communes and have a precious experience to share and younger sannyasins with energy and passion to make Osho’s vision a reality.
Obviously we welcome wealthy investors but the core group at the moment are people who inherited money or a property and have no children to pass it on to. There are a significant number of people in this situation and as they grow older their choices become simpler. We are looking to establish an Osho UK Foundation; a registered charity with the aim of promoting Osho’s vision. Initial capital would come from serious investors who would have a home for life – with their share going to the Foundation on their death. This would endow a permanent home for Osho’s work for the future. So, a sound legal structure on a cooperative model.
To view the ‘Golden Future Now’ proposal in full visit or contact: chetan (at)
Photo credit: Esmeralda
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