Madhuri on the colourful and warm-hearted evening event in Hebden Bridge where she read from her new book, To Hills and Waterfalls: a Californian in Calderdale.
Osho speaks on Prince Charles; “The new man will find his living god in the trees, in the birds, in the rivers, in the ocean, in the mountains, in the stars. He will transform the whole universe into his temple.”
Pete Redfern writes about the impact of a painting by Banksy showing the House of Commons run by chimpanzees. Published in SOTT and NewsThump on October 4, 2019.
Subhuti reflects on a vital question – particularly if you live in England or India or anywhere else…
Navyo visits (with his camera) the Gloucester Cathedral in England. “The cloisters are a masterpiece, a manifestation in stone of the mystical realms of the spirit,” he asserts.
He [Sartre] should’ve been on my train when an oik* made 40 calls… in the quiet carriage! – writes Gyles Brandreth in the Daily Mail; published on February 6, 2018.
Working full-on as a painter in the Lao Tzu construction crew in Pune 2 to complete the Samadhi, Surendra narrates the circumstances that made him decide to fly to England to be with his dying mother.
Jane Alexander attends ‘The Path of Love’ retreat and experiences real transformation. Published in the Daily Mail on January 29, 2017.
The mystery isn’t going away – on the contrary, more and more elaborate and stunning ‘drawings’ appear in fields, more often than not in the British countryside. Article by Bhagawati.
Neeraj is going back to Devon, England. She is unsure whether to spend her time travelling around England, or starting a meditation centre where she lives.
BBC Two documentary about a young British family’s move to Germany to find out how it is the Germans can work fewer hours than the Greeks and still live in Europe’s economic powerhouse.
Rashid visited the Wellcome Collection’s exhibition of ‘Body, Mind and Meditation in Tantric Buddhism’, currently showing in London, England.
Rahul Verma reports in BBC Culture on June 22, 2015
Crop circles have fascinated the general public for decades. A quite mind-blowing accurate depiction of the planetary alignment on December 23, 2012 keeps us wondering…