“Enlightenment is not a goal but the quality of being herenow,” states Osho.
The world headquarters will be publishing my books, will be releasing my tapes, videotapes, will be doing every kind of work. But it has no domination over anybody. All communes of the world are independent. All centers of the world are absolutely free. They are under nobody’s guidance. My sannyasins are directly related to me.
John Bellaimey on Ted-Ed explains the hidden meanings of the ubiquitous yin-yang symbol which is rooted in Taoism/Daoism.
A sannyasin, who is a dancer, says: Since I came to Poona I have been sick four times. There is no desire to do any activities. I thought I was going into a more devotional path but now I think I can go into meditation.
Pythagoras’ contribution to western philosophy is immense. It is incalculable. For the first time he introduced vegetarianism to the West.
I am talking a different language, you understand a different language – but there is no need to make much fuss about it. It is natural.
Julie R. Thomson reports in The Huffington Post on September 30, 2014.
The bhikkhu who guards his mind
And fears the waywardness of his thoughts
Burns through every bond
With the fire of his vigilance
Osho, It is really chilly again today. Would you please tell us a few jokes about Rajneesh sannyasins?
Osho speaks on a story by Hermann Hesse; “Millions of people are suffering: they want to be loved, but they don’t know how to love. And love cannot exist as a monologue; it is a dialogue…”
Conscious 2, a TV channel focused on awakening in daily life, interviews Rafia about exploring the role of sex and relationships in our spiritual development.
Beloved Osho,
What do you say about the third world war? Is it going to happen or not? What should we do to prevent it?
Published by The Asian Age, India, on November 10, 2014
Beloved Master,
Just the other day, Suman and I went off to Los Angeles via Portland to buy rainbow clothes.
Veet suggests this heart warming meal during the height of winter or a comforting meal even in warmer climates.
Shown by BBC Earth on October 21, 2014 – a stunning geological formation, known as the Wave, captured on film as never before
For the first time ever, the Jewish Community Centre and Surrey India Arts in Vancouver worked on creating a Punjabi-Jewish fusion song and dance number.
By Leon Siciliano, video source Newsflare / tony1971, published in The Telegraph, UK, on November 6, 2014.
Why I’m Scared to Turn This Thing On — And You’d Be, Too
explains Michael Price at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, on October 30, 2014
Published in the Deccan Chronicle on October 28, 2014.
Article published by BBC Future on August 21, 2014 explains why reprogramming tiny life could reap rich rewards.
In Manali, in one of the press interviews, I was talking about the possibilities, the creative and absolutely new possibilities of doors that science can open.
Published on October 10, 2014, a passionate talk by Glenn Greenwald at TEDTalk Global, in Rio de Janeiro.
Where do all our many languages come from? There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today yet about 2,000 of them are spoken by less than 1,000 people.
It’s not a bird. This parrot is in fact a female model who posed for Johannes Stötter, a fine art body painter. Using breathable paint, he spent hours painstakingly turning this woman into the image of a parrot, brushstroke by brushstroke.The model’s arm forms the parrot’s head and beak, and her legs form the wing
Beloved Osho, Could you speak to us on laughter, its meditative powers, its chemistry on the brain, its power of transformation and healing… Its relation to silence, the gap, clarity, vision…
Shanti aka Iam writes to Richard Maurice Bucke.