A sannyasin, who is a dancer, says: Since I came to Poona I have been sick four times. There is no desire to do any activities. I thought I was going into a more devotional path but now I think I can go into meditation.
Mm, mm. A few things to be understood. First: this moment is precious. When energies start moving inwards and one wants to be just alone, silent, and everything seems to be distraction – even one’s own hobbies, one’s deepest interests, even they look like distractions – this moment comes. Energies are simply moving inwards. But you have to do one thing: enjoy this inner movement of the energy but keep in contact with your music and your dancing, because soon, when this process has ended, you will move into another phase when the energy will move outward. It is an inner rhythm.
When it moves outward, if you don’t keep contact things will become difficult. So right now give as much time as you like for simply sitting but keep a minimum contact at least with your dancing, your music, your training. Fix a few hours. For those few hours completely forget about this inner-going energy. That will keep you in balance and it will be very paying.
If for example you give four hours in twenty-four for your music and dancing, then twenty hours are yours. If you give these four hours – which will be a little difficult because the energy is moving inwards, and you are going outwards – this will make you capable of certain things in the future. When energy moves outwards you will be able to give at least four hours for inner work, and that will become a balance.
Always remember
the yin-yang symbol –
it is really beautiful.
But the most important part
is the white dot in the black fish
and the black dot in the white fish.
Then one is together –
and that togetherness
brings strength,
that togetherness is power.
It is just like the symbol of yin-yang. The symbol is in a circle… as if there are two fish – one is white, one is black – and each are turning into the other. But the deepest symbol in it is that the white fish has a black dot in it and the black fish has a white dot in it. These are the four hours I am talking about. When the energy is moving inwards you are a white fish, but let there be a black dot; that will keep you in balance. When energy is moving out you will be a black fish, but then let there be a white dot in it; that will keep balance. Otherwise both will fall apart.
And once a person starts falling apart, it is dangerous. It has happened to many people. All the old monasteries are full of people who have completely forgotten how to get out. And that is not good – because silence is good, but if you cannot get out…. If out of your silence a song is not born, then it is dead; it is barren. You remain a seed and you never flower. You have something but you never share.
Silence is good. It is good only because it can become the womb for a song. And song is also good, because song can be possible only if there is silence within. So one has to keep balance. It is exactly like a tightrope walker. When you see that you are falling towards the left, start leaning towards the right. Right now you are falling inwards; keep a little leaning towards the outer. Otherwise you can turn into a monk in a month – and that is a wastage. One person becomes useless again. It is uncreative.
There are people who live only in the outside. They create much noise but no music comes out of them because music needs grounding in silence. They make much fuss in the world. The politicians, the generals, the money-mad people – they make really much fuss in the world. They have caused the world to be in a neurotic state, but nothing comes out of them. And people who have renounced the world, they don’ t make any fuss. They keep quiet but their quietness is dead.
My approach towards life is paradoxical because life is paradoxical. I would never like you to move into one extreme totally. Keep contact with the other; always keep balanced. And always remember that whenever one process is becoming too much, start leaning towards the other process.
Man is a miniature,
a small yin and yang.
You can become
a small circle,
but the moment you become
a small circle,
you become powerful,
and suddenly all
God’s power is yours.
So just keep balance.
Balance is the word
to be remembered.
So continue – you have to create a discipline. Decide to put aside a few hours for your dance, for your singing, music, and the remaining is for your inner being, so let it move there. After a few weeks, one day suddenly you will see that the tide is turning, the climate is changing. And when the climate changes, again you have to keep balance. Those four hours that you were giving to music and dancing have to be given to meditation; and then you can give twenty hours to the outside activity. But this has to be the balance.
Always remember the yin-yang symbol – it is really beautiful. But the most important part is the white dot in the black fish and the black dot in the white fish. Then one is together – and that togetherness brings strength, that togetherness is power.
The oldest Jewish word for God is Elohim. It comes from the same root as the Mohammedan word for God, ‘Allah’. It comes from the root el. El means power. Elohim means the one who is powerful. Allah also means the one who is powerful. Allah is the totality of the whole universe – all yin, all yang meeting, all feminine, all male energy meeting, life and death meeting. That is the total energy of Allah, Elohim, God.
The same can happen on a small scale. Man is a miniature, a small yin and yang. You can become a small circle, but the moment you become a small circle, you become powerful, and suddenly all God’s power is yours. So just keep balance. Balance is the word to be remembered.
And the illness may be part of this process, because you have lived a very outward life. You have lived actively and now suddenly you are moving into an inactive and passive, meditative life. That change is too much. It can make you ill many times; the body will need adjustment. So if you keep outside contact you will not fall in so easily. But continue, otherwise you will lose much and I don’t want you to lose anything. When we can gain everything without losing anything, why be foolish? Meditation is possible with your dancing; there is no problem in it. In fact, it is more easily possible than for a non-dancer.
I make people dancers who don’t know anything about dancing. You know much about it, you have a feel for it; you have a potential for it. You should not lose contact. Mm? Good!
Osho, God Is Not For Sale, Ch 21
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