(29 May 1956 – 4 June 2021)
Charya writes:
I heard that our dear friend, Chetan Ashu, left his body last week. The night before, he was still happily enjoying his asparagus meal with his best friend, Govind (earlier Shahid).
As far as I know, he took sannyas in Bremen in 1982, was twice a working guest at the Ranch in 1983/84, and visited Osho at the ashram in Pune for the last time in 1988.
He was a true Osho Lover with his whole heart. A true devotee.
From birth he was a nobleman and a “king size soul” with a great heart and a lot of humor.
A friend sent me his last photo. I gave it some glamour… the least I could do for a king!
Now he may be happy in his oneness with Osho. Oshooooo!
Love to you 😍💝
Gisela adds:
Ashu woke up in November 1999 during being with Mikaire (enlightened Osho disciple) and started to give Satsangs in September 2001 and had a few disciples.
He was a real man from the heart, sensitive and a real Osho disciple. And was an outstanding cook, musician (piano) and teacher of truth.
Lieber Ashu, dein Gehen hat mich sehr berührt. Als wir beide nach einem Satsang darüber sprachen Christus wahrgenommen zu haben, wusstest du nicht, dass der eigentliche Weg der Via Dolorosa noch vor dir liegt. Ich habe diesen Weg zeitweilig in unseren Gesprächen begleiten können, habe deinen Schmerz erlebt, deine Depression, dein Suchen nach Sinnhaftigkeit.
Eines stand immer heraus: Die tiefe Verbundenheit und Liebe zu deinem Meister, an dem du nie gezweifelt hast. Bhagwan war für dich dein Leitstern, deine eigentliche Liebe.
Du warst ein Mystiker von echtem Schrot und Korn, glücklich kann sich ein Meister nennen so einen Schüler gehabt zu haben.
In tiefem Respekt,
Ho Ashu, last time I saw you it was in Goa, years ago… you were in between spaces and we had deep conversations about enlightenment and life and acceptance… He was quite a gentle man, noble and funny stories about his life and his title… repairing pianos… loving Osho and other masters 🙂 Wishing you a soft and relaxed walk to the other shore and echoing the song of your heart…
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