Marc explores two books by Yuval Noah Harari, who came to the conclusion that “Having raised humanity above the beastly level of survival struggles, we will now aim to upgrade humans into gods, and turn Homo sapiens into Homo deus.”
Article 39: The most striking observation is that in the mid-20th century, humanity’s effect on the Earth crossed a tipping point. This happened when post-World War II production and consumption slipped into the overdrive.
Article 38: What if Earth, as a system, is operating now in a quantifiably new state, because of the profound changes humans are making to Earth’s natural systems?
Article 36: The genus ‘Homo’ is the youngest twig from a 2.5 million year old branch from a 4.6 billion year old tree, a seedling in a 13.8 billion year old universe. You and I are a recent leaf, or maybe a flower, on that twig!
Article 35: During the present Ice Age, temperate zones are alternately covered by glaciers, during glacial periods, and uncovered during interglacial periods, when the glaciers retreat, like the period we are living in right now.