Anand Bhaskar – Maitreya Ishwara


…left his body on 14th July 2012…

Anand Bhaskar - Maitreya Ishwara

Maitreya Ishwara (also known as Anand Bhaskar) left his body in Christchurch Hospital, NZ yesterday. He had just had a major heart surgery; there were also other health problems which the doctors could not assed what had caused them. Apparently he had been unwell for the last two to three months and he admitted himself to hospital on Monday. After the surgery, his blood pressure wasn’t reponding to the drugs and he passed away.

Maitreya became an Osho sannyasin in 1975 and did a lot of meditating with both Baba and Samdarshi during the 1990’s.

Info via his son Chaitanya, Dhyan, Sukavi, Devakrishna and Mega.


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I have never forgotten the days I spent at his place in a valley near Havelock, NZ with him and his devotees. I was inspired in a way I cannot describe. Didn’t know he was a sannyasin of Osho. Makes sense though. Thank you for being here,

Love and thanks for the sharing of your being. Namaste,

I visited Maytreya at his small ashram in Havelook NZ in 2004 and he taught me deep meditation, just sitting in silence. It was so easy to sit in his presence, comfortable in chairs, to just drop in and disappear. I was so taken by it that I found the discipline there to keep on meditating twice daily after that. Thank you Maitreya for your help and compassion.

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