Satori and Clowning – Moments of Truth


Satori and Clowning – Moments of Truth video production by Samarpan. Ganga Cording and Mouji Kochs as facilitators.

Chapeau to the producers (Samarpan and Diya) for this beautiful video presenting:
part 1) Satori, also called “Who is in?” or “Awareness Intensive”
part 2) Clowning
with Ganga Cording and Mouji Kochs
held in August 2010 at the Finca Son Duri centre in Mallorca,
next workshop will be: 3-13 July 2016 –

18 friends met in Mallorca to look deep into themselves. First week was a Satori Retreat, the second Clowning. Clowning and awareness – a great combination! Ganga and Mouji supported the process.

Watch on YouTube

Satori – for one week the participants asked each other koans (unsolvable questions) like “Who am I?” or “What is Trust?” or “What is Life?” Additional to the satori sittings there were active Osho meditations as well as work as meditation to deepen the process.

Watch on YouTube

Clowning – in this video a few impressions of the second week of self-inquiry. The clowning process reached even deeper realms of the unconscious, showing our conditionings, and finally, giving an experience of how life can be different.

More about Satori retreats (in English): – Online Magazin für Meditation (in German):

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