Rani’s Underwater World


Slideshow of pictures from the coral restoration project Kerang Lestari along the coast of Pemuteran, Bali

310-False Clown Anemonefish
020-Humbug Dascyllus
030-Blackspotted Puffer
040-Scalefin Anthias
Freckled Goatfish-red Phase
060-Juvenile Barramundi
070-Freckled Hawkfish
080-White Damsel
090-Pink Anemonefish
100-Swarthy Parrotfish Variation, getting cleaned up
110-Squaretail Coral Grouper
120-Vermaculate Rabbitfish
130-Giant Sweetlip
140-Surf Parrotfish, male and female
150-Masked Rabbitfish and Moorish Idol
160-Bio-Rock Structure_ Bumbung with School of blackspotted Snapper
170-Giant Clam and Softcoral
180-Bio-Rock Structure_ Rolling Carpet
190-Common Lionfish
Crocodile Flathead, Close-up
310-False Clown Anemonefish
Freckled Goatfish-red Phase
090-Pink Anemonefish
100-Swarthy Parrotfish Variation, getting cleaned up

I made these images at the coral restoration project Kerang Lestari along the coast of Pemuteran, a small hamlet in North Bali. A few years ago almost all coral in the area had died due to unaware fishing methods, but through innovative technology coral is growing back, and with it the fish have returned! (See article about Rani in this month’s Bali Grapevine.)

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