“We are entering a deep process of death and rebirth,” says Sitara.
Sun | 9° Virgo – 9° Libra |
Moon | 14° Pisces – 17° Aries |
Mercury, retrograde from 15th | 26° Leo – 23° Libra |
Venus | 24° Cancer – 27° Aries |
Mars | 5° – 26° Scorpio |
Jupiter | 15° – 16° Gemini |
Saturn | 26°– 29° Libra |
Chiron, retrograde | 7° – 6° Pisces |
Uranus, retrograde | 8° – 6° Aries |
Neptune, retrograde | 2° – 1° Pisces |
Pluto, retrograde | 7° Capricorn |
North node | 30° – 28° Scorpio |
Lilith | 29° Taurus – 2° Gemini |
New Moon, 16th 2:12h GMT | 24° Virgo |
Full Moon, 30th 3:20h GMT | 7° Aries |
Mood of the Moment
With the North Node entering Scorpio as well as retrograde Pluto forming its second Square to Uranus – we enter a deep process of death and rebirth, individually as well as collectively. From now on, it is less and less about maintaining love and harmony and more and more about uncovering and living one’s deepest truth. This truth is not the same for all, everyone needs to find out for him/herself what truth means to him/her.
In any case, what’s certain is that higher forms of truth, let alone the ultimate truth, have no chance if our day-to-day life is suffused with compromises. The cleanup work therefore starts with those habitual little lies that are supposed to make life more convenient and enjoyable. From now on the altar on which we sacrifice truth for peace will have no place in life.
Pluto, supported by Lilith in Gemini, demands a razor sharp mind when analysing our own attitudes, as well as unambiguity when describing our views to others. Also Saturn in the last degrees of Libra, demands clear, final steps now. Over the next few years only Neptune and Chiron in Pisces will have a soothing effect, which in September, however, will be hardly effective. The motto of the month therefore is: direct creative involvement.
Aries: The second square of Pluto to Uranus picks up issues from June/July, this time demanding a more penetrating look. Based on that you may be able to take action; most probably, however, a more introverted time will begin for you now. On your search for comprehensive solutions, make as much use of your intellect as of your intuitive gut feel, thus clearly determine your aims. Where do you want to go? Sometimes it is easier to ask: What do I not want (anymore)? Continue clearing away what doesn’t fit, until what fits clearly shines out.
Taurus: Over the coming 18 months you enter new territory. You discover joy in areas hitherto avoided as too risky or too profound. Pleasure, habits, socializing take a back seat; the search for the truth, intensity and the readiness for a deep and lasting change come to the fore. Uranus and Pluto will fill your sails, Neptune and Chiron relax you and, from October onwards, Saturn will insist that you stop compromising.
Gemini: At first, September will be a little confusing and you tend to allow your own desires to put you under pressure. It’s better to put your affairs in order, conscientiously do your duty, and leave all else to life. In the second half of the month, your need for harmony increases, while at the same time you find yourself in situations that require you to use your sharp mind to take an uncompromising and unequivocal stand – all the while pointing out constructive options and perspectives.
Cancer: Your emotions are your resource, but if you identify with them they become like a black hole. You are not your feelings, you just have them. Any feeling that ends up in suffering, drama, fear, anger or the like is based on identification. Interestingly, though, the identification is always with the exact opposite of the problematic feeling. North Node in Scorpio challenges you to own up to the intensity of your feelings without surrendering to them. They only have the power you give them.
Leo: Investigation into the nature of your relationships and the urge to radically transform them is getting stronger. Now your issue is love – to grow through love, to leave behind old ideas about love and dare to try out new ways, to be ready to bear the pain when love demands your own ego, to opt for unconditional trust for the sake of love and to learn discriminating between romantic sentimentality and the sincerity that makes for genuine meeting.
Virgo: In the first half of the month, some of your ideas and concepts are put to the test. Now you have the strength to let go of them, even if you don’t know what might replace them. From the second week on, it is about desires and greed. Desires can make hell of your life if they turn into demands, particularly if underpinned by perfectionism. Demands are directed at life as such, at others as well as at you yourself. Come back to the here and now.
Libra: September starts a profound coming to terms with shadow issues that stop you from being free. Uranus and Pluto again urge change, but you are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that this change has to happen within yourself before it can manifest outside. Your own beliefs about what is or is not possible are what fetter you. Look into the eyes of your fear of your own power, of independence and healing. Experiment with new attitudes and ways of behaving.
Scorpio: In the first half of September there are hardly any disturbances – you are in tune with your heart, mind and energy. Around mid-month, it is about power, impotence and acceptance in your relationships; have a look at your family patterns. In the second half, the tension mounts – you know it can’t go on like this and want to enforce a new situation. See yourself in the mirror of events. Your detractors point to a hidden side within you – find out what this is and face up to it.
Sagittarius: Be careful that whatever you actually live is identical with what you are preaching, and that your aims are authentic. You now have the tendency to measure with two yardsticks, to get annoyed with the unreliability and superficiality of others, while you yourself fail to be really present and loyal. Be honest. In the last third of September it becomes easier to appreciate yourself and to express yourself as you are now. No need to prove to anybody what you have achieved. Whatever you are is more than enough.
Capricorn: The theme of relationships continues. You will not be able to change the family patterns that influence your relationships. But when you manage to face up to painful feelings and the feeling of powerlessness, your vigour returns. In the second half of September, instead of fighting for something you no longer need, you are challenged to free yourself of those who have outgrown the sphere of your influence. Let go and trust your own strength which now can grow and unfold.
Aquarius: The first half of the month is about harmonizing what you say and what you do. Trust love, no matter how it manifests. In the second half of the month expect head winds. Face the challenges, be present, and take responsibility – which does not mean that you should submit to the will of others. On the contrary, stick to your position, don’t step aside. Physical exercise, dynamic meditation, strength training will make it easier for you to trust the expression of you power.
Pisces: In the first week, action will achieve more than thinking, analysing and talking. The rest of the month requires surrender and acceptance. In the second week, other people may touch sensitive areas in you. Instead of trying to fend them off, watch your inner reactions. If you can’t put into words what’s going on within, just leave it. In the last week it is difficult to make out your aims. For now, let go and be patient.
Sitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She has settled in Germany and for 12 years now, has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times. Astrology has been her passion since childhood, and she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions and also over phone or skype. Moreover, Sitara offers spiritual counselling as well as end-of-life care free of charge. She is currently writing a book about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers. www.astro-sitara.de
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