Shanti Dhanya


… left her body on Monday 8th October 2012, 9pm

Shanti Dhanya

Premgit from Zurich writes: “When a friend like Shanti Dhanya (Marianne Inauen) leaves their body after a long illness it creates a deep gap in our lives. We are sad that we will never again laugh, sing, play, argue or meditate together. We are glad that her body has found now peace and we wish her that it is carried on wings onto the other shore.

“Shanti has lived a life of devotion and interior investigation. She has gone fearlessly her (not always easy) way. Her enthusiasm for mantra singing and singing in general was infectious. She made it easy for us to trust her. For everything that she has given us we are grateful and will cherish each bit. We will miss her.”

Anugraha’s singing group will dedicate their songs to her on Saturday, 13th October.

The death celebration for Shanti Dhanya will be held on Thursday, 18th October at 2pm in the Catholic church of Bühler near St. Gallen.


You can leave a message / tribute / anecdote to be published on Osho News using our contact form (pls add ‘Dhanya’ in the subject field)…

Beloved Shanti, the whole week your presence was felt and many moments when I played the beautiful mantras of Deva Premal it was as if you were striking some tunes on your guitar… Tonight I will chant and sing with Anu and friends, and later on dance with the Buddhas = to celebrate your flight into the unknown, celebrate myself and all of us in this prescious form… Although I knew your body was ill, still when you left it felt sudden. It dawns only now on me that you are gone! Last time we met and hugged you said: “You know I am a cool person”…to me you were a strong and delicate woman and I often felt a silence around you and a little mischief in your laughter…. Bon voyage Shanti, much love and be blessed on your journey,

Liebe Shanti, ich danke dir aus tiefem Herzen, dass du dein Leben, deine Liebe, deine aufrichtige Wahrheitssuche und auch deinen Abschied, der mich tief beeindruckt und berührt, mit uns geteilt hast. Wieder und wieder die Lektion, dass dieses Leben so kostbar ist… moment to moment. In Dankbarkeit und Verbundenheit… beyond and beyond, where all the lovers meet. Gute Reise, Shanti!

Shanti, me on this side, you travelling the other shore. I am still resonating with you, “go on and on, in this sweet song, higher and higher.” Thank you so much for being such an honest friend, for your courage to go through so much, and for letting me be with you in your life and in your journey out of your body. It was so good that in your very fragile hours you forgot my presence next to you, I was glad not to disturb you in your inner process, and yet so fortunate to be with you, in silence, in presence, sometimes just giving a gentle touch, a word of trust. You gave me so much more in return 🙂 Travel well, beyond the beyond the beyond, light and easy, I am with you, in the light of love, always.

Beloved Shanti Dhanya, I wish you a safe journey to the land I haven’t explored yet. Danke für die Jahre, die wir haben teilen können.
Sw. Parva

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