Nature close-up


Tara’s stunning photographs introduce us to the tiny details in her garden path and beyond…

Buckeye Butterfly
Frog on daylily
Gold dragonfly
Green dragonfly
Gulf Fritillary
Long tailed skipper
Oct Wildflower
Red wasp
Side mushrooms
Spikey spider
Three Frogs
Tiger Swallowtail

I started taking photos of insects and plants on the land where we live in north central Florida about three years ago. One of my greatest joys is to wander the yard and adjacent woods with my point and shoot camera, lured by light, movement and color of the natural world around me. With changing seasons and weather there are endless possibilities for capturing nature’s beauty right here where I live.

I take most photos with a macro setting – I love getting up close to bugs especially. Past conditioning and fears of insects have largely fallen away, except when they unexpectedly land on me! Discovering new flora or fauna takes my breath away. Sometimes I do research, or sometimes I just enjoy the mystery. Meandering outside with a camera in my pocket has become one of my greatest pleasures. And sharing the captured natural images is amazingly satisfying.

TaraTara took sannyas in San Francisco on April 1st, 1974. Between trips to Poona in the ‘70s she ran Centers in Buffalo, NY and San Francisco. While in India she led Re-Birthing groups and later worked in the group booking office. On the Ranch she worked in RLS. Since 1985 she returned to school and then worked as a paralegal and later a school counselor. She lives on 20 acres near Gainesville FL with Anando and their teenage son.

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