An Improvised Concert


A poem by Suha (Italian and English) about the Paris underground.

Concerto improvvisato
di passi affrettati, ticchettanti
mesti, indifferenti.
Concerto di echi sonori
nello squallore asfaltato
di un corridoio decadente
pieno di gente
Passi gioiosi, invadenti,
tranquilli, stanchi, freschi,
coscienti, intelligenti.
Tutti vanno diritti, sicuri, decisi,
verso bocche oscure
che vomitano gente


in Paris underground


An improvised concert
of ticking, quick,
light, sad, indifferent steps.
A concert of sounding echoes
in the asphalted squalor
of a decadent
over-crowded corridor.
Happy, intrusive,
slow, tired, fresh,
conscious, intelligent steps.
All walk straight, sure and decidedly ahead
toward dark mouths
that spit out people,


Poem by Suha (translation by Osho News)
Image credit to Patrik Wallner (reproduced with permission) –

More articles and poems by this author in Osho News

Read Suha’s story: Zen Brush Strokes

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