Horoscope May 2015


Be aware of the full moon bringing a tendency to have exaggerated claims to life, especially in relationships, says Sitara.

White scorpio symbol

Sun 10° Taurus – 10° Gemini
Moon 4° Libra – 19° Virgo
Mercury, retrograde 19th 30° Taurus – 8° Gemini
Venus 22° Gemini – 25° Cancer
Mars 22° Taurus – 14° Gemini
Jupiter 13°- 17° Leo
Saturn, retrograde 3°– 1° Sagittarius
Chiron 20° – 21° Pisces
Uranus 18° – 19° Aries
Neptune 9° – 10° Pisces
Pluto, retrograde 16° – 15° Capricorn
North Node 9° – 7° Libra
Lilith 17° – 20° Virgo
Full Moon, 4th, 3.43 h GMT 13° Scorpio
New Moon, 18th, 4.14 h GMT 27° Taurus


Mood of the Moment

The first half of May is dominated by a grand trine, endowing us with strength, stability and independence. However, the full moon brings a tendency to have exaggerated claims to life, especially in relationships, and emotional and financial spheres. Whenever something goes well, the mind behind immediately chimes in with a ‘but’ and directs its attention to what may be lacking. This creates discontent and envy.

We find the resource that we can fall back on in the heart. In the centre of the heart silence prevails, and the knowledge that nothing is missing is fully present. Close to the centre it is still good, gentle, and luminous. It is from here that warmth, generosity, gratitude and joy emerge. Only at the outer edges of the heart emotional identifications are located that can ruffle us.

Thus, the path leads into the interior of the heart. To operate from there also helps to deal calmly with obstacles that Saturn piles onto our way, so that we grow by overcoming them – growing in patience, intelligence and trust. Even the Neptunian veils during the last third of May won’t confuse us then. And moreover, the occasional riot in the outer layers of the heart can be directed within where it extinguishes like fireworks on the bottom of a calm lake.



AriesAries: With flexibility, openness and sociability you will sail in full swing through the month. Your key is the willingness to learn and to break fresh ground. Consult with others to find out how they would go about things. This provides you with valuable pointers and eases up a lot of matters. Only at the end of May it is better to remain with the tried and tested. You cannot quite trust your power of judgement now and incline to act rashly or on the basis of mistaken ideas. First of all have a good look at the situation.


TaurusTaurus: Even if you tend to ham it up or have exaggerated expectations at the beginning of May, in the course of the month more and more of your potential will unfold. That not only makes you stronger but also more relaxed and more human. Because your self-esteem increases, you no longer have the feeling of having to prove yourself. In the last third of the month, however, a challenge is waiting for you. You have a lot of resources at your disposal, but it is necessary to make a mature fundamental choice.


GeminiGemini: A May with the most diverse influences to which you will need to adjust constantly. There’s no standard answer now. At times it is better to wait, then to become active or even let go altogether. So it’s about staying awake, and before you act or decide reassess every situation anew. From mid-month on you will gather more strength, but you are inclined to rash steps or words. You need again and again some time-out and meditation, they calm and centre you.



Follow your heart energy and radiate yourself out of your inner abundance. Venus passing through your sign brings the best in you to light. Nevertheless, only in the last third of the month identification with one or two heart stirrings could give you a hard time. Fall back on everything that you have learnt in this regard during the last three years. Now you can demonstrate your abilities and move into the new and fundamentally consistent direction, which, in fact, your life has already taken.


LeoLeo: In early May, you have yet to take one hurdle: don’t fall into the trap of arrogance. Then, starting from the 6th, everything runs smoothly. Not only are you in full power but you also have room for those who stand fairly weak. In the last third of the month the mental speed picks up, but during specific processes a spanner gets thrown into the works or they come to a standstill. That’s when you best step out of the situation and look at the matter from a higher perspective. That’s how you find the best solutions.


VirgoVirgo: A consistently good, quiet month. Do the needful and keep it real. Within you a wonderful balance is forming between your desire to have everything perfectly under control and your longing to let things run their imperfect course for once. Enjoy the golden mean and keep it as a possibility for stormy times. For this purpose, enshrine it deep in your heart, give it by ways of a small ritual a place there so that you can draw on it anytime. Consequently also tranquillity returns to your relationships.


LibraLibra: A patchy month with emotional overhang. Don’t give any energy to the drama, no matter whether it comes to meet you from the outside or rises from your own mind. The more you open up for a greater truth and know yourself in good hands, the more relaxed can you approach life. Hold on to what is trustworthy for you – no matter what it is – and trust this trustworthiness. You mustn’t work out your entire past to be able to trust. Get a grip and simply do it.


ScorpioScorpio: With the Full Moon discontent may arise. This is not based on the situation, but on your attitude. Simply be content, only then can you realise that nothing at all is missing. Enjoy the soundness of the current situation and disregard your doubts as they only gnaw at you. End of the month there’s some creaking in your relationships. It is time for honesty, above all towards yourself. Decide for love, not for your absolute criterions towards yourself and others.


SagittariusSagittarius: During the merry month of May, the Saturnian buzz kill becomes particularly noticeable. This is not because of Saturn, but because of your expectations for this time. With Saturn everything moves slowly and the focus is not pleasure but necessity. By the way, ‘duty’ is not a heavy burden, but exactly what is here and now in deepest harmony with you and your life: in Sanskrit it is called the Dharma. This month, the emphasis is on clarifying and organising and on a clear demarcation of anything nonsensical.


CapricornCapricorn: Analyse your situation carefully and thoroughly in the first week and draw the necessary conclusions. In the second week fine weather conditions set in, making life easier for you in every way. In the middle of the month don’t wear yourself out with opposing forces; likewise don’t be the opposition that gets in the way of others. Find a good trade-off. In the last week your flexibility is required. Some seem to be too unreliable for you, others too emotional. That might be; nevertheless come to an arrangement with them now.


AquariusAquarius: Your ideas are good and you show the right spirit. Now matters could progress but there are still some small pockets of resistance. They are based mainly on the fact that you didn’t think thoroughly enough or didn’t sufficiently consider your deepest concerns in life. It is also necessary to give new stimuli to your relationships. Perhaps co-operation is possible, from which you still shy away because you don’t want to be nailed down. Primarily take care that everything fits with your highest goal.


PiscesPisces: From time to time you will be floundering and this should not be a problem for a Pisces. But it might be unnerving when everything starts dissolving. One thing for sure – a lot is going to be set in motion. You have the opportunity to expose thought patterns based on ill-conceived ideas. Discuss with others but don’t expect a clear perspective and a solid foundation to arise immediately. Be grateful for new queries that appear in your life.


SitaraSitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers. www.astro-sitara.de

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