One Saturday night George ended up at a party in an unfamiliar apartment building.
He gets very drunk, but somehow finds his way home in the small hours of the morning.
He wakes up the next afternoon with a terrible hangover, and he realizes that he has left his jacket, tie, shirt and shoes at the party.
With much difficulty he finds the apartment building, but has no idea which apartment he had been in. The only thing he remembers is that it had a magnificent golden toilet. So he knocks at the first apartment. The door is answered by a man with a hangover.
“Hello,” says George, “did you have a party here last night?”
“We sure did,” groans the man.
“And do you have a golden toilet?” asks George.
“A golden toilet? We sure don’t!” replies the man.
This happens in almost every apartment. Everyone is recovering from a party, but no one knows anything about a golden toilet.
At the last apartment, the door is opened by a man with a hangover.
“Hello,” says George, “did you have a party last night?”
“Boy! We sure did,” groans the man.
“And do you have a golden toilet?” asks George.
There is a long silence.
Finally, the man shouts back into the apartment, “Hey, Harry! Here is the guy who shat in your tuba!”
Osho, Zen: The Quantum Leap From Mind to No-Mind, Ch 13, Q 1
Submitted by Chandra
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