Horoscope November 2016


November ambles along fairly quietly yet the strong Lilith influence also gives rise to power issues during the first half of November, while in the last week, the first Jupiter-Pluto Square forms, says Sitara.

Scorpio - Sagittarius

Sun 9° Scorpio – 10° Sagittarius
Moon 23° Scorpio – 26° Sagittarius
Mercury 13° Scorpio – 27° Sagittarius
Venus 16° Sagittarius – 22° Capricorn
Mars 24° Capricorn – 16° Aquarius
Jupiter 11° – 17° Libra
Saturn 14° – 18° Sagittarius
Chiron, retrograde, direct 3rd 21° Pisces
Uranus, retrograde 22° – 21° Aries
Neptune, retrograde, direct 19th 9° Pisces
Pluto 15° Capricorn
North Node 9° – 8° Virgo
Lilith 18° – 22° Scorpio
Full Moon, 14th, 13.53 h GMT 23° Taurus
New Moon, 29th, 12.19 h GMT 8° Sagittarius


Mood of the Moment

Compared to the second half of October, November ambles along fairly quietly yet the strong Lilith influence also gives rise to power issues during the first half of November. However, they are more likely to find verbal expression or the mastery of others will be targeted as a future goal. Also Mars, who moves into Aquarius, tends more to mental aggression than fisticuffs. Even when one form of mental aggression is the powerful instrument of a cyber attack, due to the general cosmic situation, such a situation is now unlikely. On top of that the second half of November begins with the Full Moon in earthy Taurus, which similarly promises equaminity.

After the sun has moved to buoyant Sagittarius, the first Jupiter-Pluto Square forms, which from now on will determine the scene for a year. Both planetary energies are very different, because Jupiter rules the World of the Gods, while Pluto is Lord of the Underworld. Both together result in a wonderful oneness. But socially this square expresses itself often through abuse of power, fanaticism and the desire of wanting to force one’s own convictions onto others with fire and steel.

Their enormously positive potential – transformation and renewal, healing, deepest confidence and the ability to see sense in the most difficult of situations – will assert itself especially at the individual level.


AriesAries: Later this month the energy gradually lightens up, which will continue in December. Focus on friendships and acquaintances, heart relationships or study teams and working groups – the main thing is for you to remain in touch and in communication. Concerted action works now best with your peers and in innovative projects. Be inspired and inspire others with your dynamism, your courage and your energy. When one person takes the initiative, others gladly follow suit.


Taurus Taurus: In the first half of the month look for creative ways to extricate others or yourself from difficult situations. Towards the middle of November things calm down and it will be easy for you to stay balanced. In the last third of November several resources are available to you: serenity, optimism and benevolence. They will help you to cope well with the exciting aspects at the end of the month and steer them in such a way that profound changes become possible, benefitting all those concerned.


GeminiGemini: In early November go a bit deeper than usual: be thorough in your analyses and engage emotionally with people even if this makes you feel insecure. You’ll see that others simply see you as a fellow human being, even if you show feelings. In the second half of the month it’s less about personal but more about superior topics – social or spiritual. Find a good balance between letting go and rigour. Crackdown and clarity are important, but remain relaxed, easygoing and innovative.


CancerCancer: A fairly quiet November. During the first half of the month you can dive deeply into your feelings, and by doing so wonderfully satisfying meetings may develop. Should emotions get out of hand though and intricate tangles occur, in mid-November the Taurus Full Moon comes to your aid. Its healthy common sense brings you back down to Earth and supports you, if necessary, in developing a bit of healthy selfishness. Don’t let yourself be monopolised, but do not monopolise anybody else either.


LeoLeo: This November get off to a good start. Utilise the intense energy to move closer to others, yet remain empathetic and don’t snowball anybody. This works out quite well because Neptune and Chiron in gentle Pisces support you. In mid-November you could get the feeling of being outmanoeuvred. But this is merely the Taurus Full Moon, a temporary impact. Already in the last third of the month Sagittarius stokes up your fiery energy and puts you in a position to make a difference and achieve a lot.


VirgoVirgo: Now is the time to understand your relationships. Relations have (among other things) a heart and a mind level. For a relationship to be viable it’s often not sufficient to be only connected from the heart. The mind level plays an equally important role, because it determines whether you share common themes that you like to exchange with each other. The mind level alone may be adequate in objectively oriented connections, the heart level often suffices within familiar surroundings. To be content, it is good to know what belongs where.


LibraLibra: The first half of November opens up valuable new opportunities for you. Seize the moment! From mid-month many matters get to the point which can be centring without pinning you down. Highlight is the Jupiter-Pluto Square in the last third of the month. This constellation is a challenge for a Libra, because it clearly points out where you stand and if you live that what you preach. You are now challenged to align your compass uncompromisingly to what is really important to you.


ScorpioScorpio: In the first half of the month you can discover with Lilith new content that interests you and which you’d like to explore more deeply or also discuss with others. These are perhaps areas of knowledge, but also situations that so far haven’t been really clear to you, or people to whom you previously had no inner access. Also creative expression will be easier for you, no matter in what area. End of November your absolute claims and standards will be challenged. Be a bit more generous, friendly and humorous!


SagittariusSagittarius: Venus rules until mid-November which makes life more carefree, enjoyable and harmonious. But before this starts to get boring (where is the adventure?!) you are already being influenced by the Jupiter-Pluto Square, which puts forward passion, highest highs and lowest lows. Also intense spiritual transformations are possible or other profound developments that have already been in the making by the end of 2007. Let yourself be transformed – whether through love, new experiences or insights!


CapricornCapricorn: With Mars you can be up and running and surge ahead. The second third of the month is marked by Venus themes: beauty, justice, culture and harmonious synchronicity. In the last third of November there will be excitement as you could get into a conflict with other’s values. These values have much in common with the aforementioned Venus themes; above all it is about peace and justice which one won’t want to subordinate to the success and power of individuals. You may need to redefine your position now.


AquariusAquarius: Harmony in your relationships determines the beginning of the month. Not everything must be fully discussed now; a lot will relax by itself. With the entry of Mars in your sign the use of powerful energy becomes imperative. Now stride into action and correct everything while you’re already in motion – like a soccer player on the field. If you have an idea about where you want to go, your alert mind will ensure that you are moving in the right direction. Also, you gain a great deal through the exchange with others.


PiscesPisces: If you can stay in the flow like during early November, your happiness will be at hand. For you it’s again and again about accepting reality as it is. You don’t have to like it, but by being in denial ultimately does not contribute to more well-being, but only to more confusion. Once you manage to look everything straight in the face and then tackle it step by step, you can make the experience that it is easier than you had assumed. Neptune in forward gear supports you here.


Sitara TNSitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers. www.astro-sitara.de

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