Horoscope December 2016


From now until autumn 2017, three major constellations are effective, says Sitara: Jupiter-Pluto Square, Jupiter-Uranus Opposition and Saturn-Uranus Trine.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

Sun 9° Sagittarius – 11 Capricorn
Moon 26° Sagittarius – 12° Aquarius
Mercury 27° Sagittarius – 3° Capricorn
Venus 22° Capricorn – 27° Aquarius
Mars 16° Aquarius – 10° Pisces
Jupiter 17° – 21° Libra
Saturn 18°– 21° Sagittarius
Chiron 21° Pisces
Uranus retrograde, direct from 28th 21° Aries
Neptune 9° – 10° Pisces
Pluto 15° – 17° Capricorn
North Node 8° – 85° Virgo
Lilith 22° – 25° Scorpio
Full Moon, 14th, 0.07 h GMT 22° Gemini
New Moon, 29th, 6.54 h GMT 8° Capricorn

Mood of the Moment

The Jupiter-Pluto Square described in November also determines the scene throughout December – with all its positive and negative possibilities. We get the best out of this constellation when we repeatedly go on deciding in favour of an optimistic attitude with which it is easier to face even problematic situations rather than adding more negativity to the negativity because of our approach. Luckily a lot of negativity is now unlikely, as it seems all planets have decided to work together constructively. Tensions arise only around Full Moon in the middle of the month, and also retrograde Mercury may cause some communicative confusion or delays due to technological failures or inattentiveness. Besides, the beneficial constellations are in the majority.

In the second half of the month Uranus comes into play by forming the first of three oppositions with Jupiter. Just like the Jupiter-Pluto Square, also this constellation contains a tremendously positive potential. In the combination of Uranus and Jupiter two beacons join, which, through Saturn’s support, do not remain mere straw-fires, but show lasting effects in practical life: vital energy, joy in trying out new possibilities, spiritual opening and sudden liberation.

The three major constellations – Jupiter-Pluto Square, Jupiter-Uranus Opposition and Saturn-Uranus Trine – are effective from now until autumn 2017.


AriesAries: Whatsoever you tackle during this month promises success. You are in on it with panache, imagination, realism and courage, and on top of it your have enthusiasm and joy for your projects. These should be innovative and break the usual framework. In the second half of the month you are a little more thin-skinned than usual – which is not so bad, because you can meet other sensitive natures with more sensitivity. Also, you are emotionally responsive now; let yourself be touched by people and situations.


TaurusTaurus: You don‘t need to know yet where it’s leading to. In December, first open up for new things, even if you feel a tad perturbed. When a door opens, don’t close it immediately but take a look through the doorway. If you’re interested in what you see, at the end of the month you’ll have three planets at your side to explore something new. Jupiter advises you not to do it alone, while Venus finds it exciting to do it alone and Saturn gives you a solid starting point at any rate.


GeminiGemini: ‘Establishing a good base‘ is your theme during December, with results expected in January. This process also involves that you wise up where you’re headed to and the necessary material, mental, or emotional skills. Especially in the second half of the month make sure there are no misunderstandings between you and others. Stay alert and pay attention to accuracy, because careless mistakes can have unpleasant consequences that won’t come into effect until January.


CancerCancer: An active month, during which you should be a lot on the move. Minor and large journeys, contacts and studies will see to it that you expand your inner or outer horizon. Stay self-determined, i.e. don’t let yourself be driven to where others want you to go, but check precisely what activities are right for you. Mid-December however, there is a somewhat tense constellation – willingness to compromise assures the best results. But after that get back to your own concerns.


LeoLeo: During the first three weeks of December, actively develop your life and seize opportunities to steer them to a satisfying outcome. Stay flexible and look for new solutions should Saturn slow you down or prompt you to stop. Anyhow, in the last ten days of the month things will quieten down. Stay in motion, but don‘t overdo it. The emphasis is now more on the intellectual or on the mystical. Straighten out your thoughts, seek fruitful exchange with others, read, learn and meditate.


VirgoVirgo: Especially at the end of the month you will become very aware of the limitations of human possibilities. On the one hand, you want to tidy up your immediate environment. On the other hand, far horizons attract, and moreover, a bit more variety and excitement would be pleasant. Unfortunately, there is no solution that reconciles everything; something is always missing. The only key to have everything, really everything, is concealed in the understanding that you are everything, absolutely everything. This understanding can be achieved.


LibraLibra: Several planets are coming to your aid in December so you can determine your truth and courageously implement your visions. In the first week it is Mars that gives you willpower and energy and, together with Venus, is ready to decide independently and act accordingly. In the second half of the month the whole issue gains even more ground. Uranus in Aries fires you up to finally make a real job of it, and to trust the voice in you that urges you to go beyond the scope.


ScorpioScorpio: Your abilities are now gaining in depth and can help you to comprehensively analyze and understand situations. However, it would be good for those abilities to be accompanied or even carried by compassion and tolerance. If this is difficult for you in practical life, always move out into open nature. This puts everything in the right perspective and grants humility which you also need at the end of December, when you rest completely in your power and thus can powerfully impact on situations.


SagittariusSagittarius: As long as you come to terms with Saturn who continues to stay in your sign, this will be a December with many highlights. Right at the beginning of the month there could be a little confusion, which is quickly resolved by proceeding with optimism and being real. Horizon-busting Uranus plays now an essential role which is just right for a true Sagittarius. Saturn also supports the innovations that are now being conceived or already being set in motion. Nevertheless, they are still evolving.


CapricornCapricorn: As for many, December for you is full of resources and opportunities. Just make sure that communication is running smoothly, because now it can easily lead to misunderstandings. So, once again, inquire more often rather than just once too little. Otherwise, this is a month when your realism is in line with your own or the required innovative idealism. In line with the season, even your usual drive is ready to step back and give in to your longing for retreat and silence.


AquariusAquarius: Also in December the focus is on relationships. Stay in motion. Joint actions promise to be both stimulating and give new impulses, as well as act stabilising. But you would not be an Aquarius if you did not have a desire for independent ventures; those, just like the communal ones, have a chance for luck and success. At the end of December you are asked to re-orientate yourself for 2017 to goals that will even extend and surpass your already advanced ideas.


PiscesPisces: The first half of the month is a bit tense, especially if you don’t disassociate yourself enough from the general pre-Christmas hustle and bustle. Determine your priorities and focus on them instead of trying to cope with everything at once. Do what is possible and pay attention to the limitations of your body which is especially sensitive in the second half of the month and needs relaxation and meditative activities: quiet walks, tai chi, a day at the spa or thermal spring, a meditation retreat.


Sitara TNSitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers. www.astro-sitara.de

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