Horoscope September 2017


The highlight of the month is the last of the three Jupiter-Uranus oppositions, explains Sitara. Follow your convictions, your insights, and your values. The signs of the times are ready for a new start!


Virgo + Libra

Sun 9° Virgo – 8° Libra
Moon 8° Capricorn – 10° Aquarius
Mercury, direct from 5th 30° Leo – 2° Libra
Venus 7° Leo – 13° Virgo
Mars 27° Leo – 16° Virgo
Jupiter 17° – 27° Libra
Saturn 22° Sagittarius
Chiron, retrograde 27° – 26° Pisces
Uranus, retrograde 28° – 27° Aries
Neptune, retrograde 13° – 12° Pisces
Pluto, direct from 18th 17° Capricorn
North Node 23° – 22° Leo
Lilith 22° – 26° Sagittarius
Full Moon, 6th 07:04h GMT 14° Pisces
New Moon, 20th 5:31h GMT 27° Virgo


Mood of the Moment

Sun, Mars, and Mercury are in Virgo, and as soon as the Sun slips into Libra, Venus enters the sign. Hence this is the month during which we want to focus our attention on optimising and to make the best possible out of every situation, the approach being deliberate and systematic. However, because the chaotic Neptunian forces are also active, not everything will be going according to plan. Venus in self-confident Leo comes in handy here, because it will make sure that unforeseen incidents won’t cause being thrown off track. On the contrary, they often make it possible to find a completely different approach, which finally gives the finishing touch to the result of one’s own actions – entirely in the sense of Virgo.

However, in the last third of the month Leo’s influence is no longer available. Therefore, the uncertainty via Neptune, Chiron and Saturn is now more noticeable. In this situation it is not easy to find a good balance between release and intervention. The easiness of the Libra Sun has a helpful effect from the 22nd onwards.

Finally, the highlight of the month is the last of the three Jupiter-Uranus oppositions. Since the beginning of the year they have been working towards letting yourself be guided more by your quest for meaning, your trust and your love for experimentation rather than by doubts or fears. Two further pitfalls under this constellation are complacency or restlessness. Follow your convictions, your insights, and your values. The signs of the times are ready for a new start!


AriesAries: You start with the power and self-worth of Mars in Leo into the month, but at the latest from the second week onwards everything is only about the small print. Invest your energy now in accuracy, tackle everything with consistency, for which you will need more patience. If not all is clear, then strive to clarify. In the course of the year, your life philosophy or your spiritual orientation has gone through a renewal; abandon the locked tracks now, and give it a proper expression.


TaurusTaurus: In the first third of the month maybe not everything is running well, but that will pass quickly. This September is actually for you to celebrate yourself! Focus on your skills and your resources, on all that is good and endearing about you. Look at your life from the point of view of all what you have achieved. In case you can’t find anything, then get it through your head that this can’t be true, otherwise you would no longer be here. Celebrate your existence and express it by dancing, painting and singing!


GeminiGemini: Now the boot is on the other foot and you can again achieve more while being totally down to earth. But by mid-month you should have completed important projects. In the second half of September more errors and confusions come up, and you can easily lose the leitmotif. During this phase, it is better to put on ice what appears as not solvable, rather than making half-baked decisions. Always remember your true power, which even now remains unaffected.


CancerCancer: Let go of everything that makes you feel cramped. The feeling of fear makes us the most restricted while feelings of trust, love and gratefulness make us expand. How do you develop trust? The oldest and most reliable path to trust is prayer. Find a greater force to dedicate yourself to and surrender to it. It will carry you and make your heart free and easy going. In this trust, you discover an order in life that permeates everything and according to which all functions – and you are in harmony with it through prayer.


LeoLeo: Since the end of August, you are traversing a learning process that makes your actions more deliberate and your insights and words become more expressive. Until mid-September there will be again and again situations in which you are challenged to prove both. Find creative solutions and do not let yourself be misled, if not always everything succeeds. No one is perfect! In the second half of the month, you will open up more to cooperate with others which makes life more enjoyable and stimulating for all.


VirgoVirgo: In September, you can bring to a close that which no longer satisfies you – either to reboot or start something else. Mars provides you with vigour and determination and Mercury gives you wisdom and ingenuity. In the second half of the month, wishful thinking or pessimism fogs up a clear vision. Both extremes arise when you are not ready to recognize facts for what they are; the main factor is: nothing remains as it is – neither the positive nor the negative will persist.


LibraLibra: After a slightly strained prelude at the beginning of the month you will arrive in calm waters. Confidence, strength and inventiveness flow towards you. In the middle of September, you can actually surpass yourself by leaving behind old habits, which have demands on life that yield nothing but frustration. Regrettably, life doesn’t owe you anything. Live your life with self-responsibility even if that is not easy. In the last third of the month, you have the chance for a new start.


ScorpioScorpio: Your huge advantage is now your clear mind that dares to enter also uncharted terrain and is ready to ask uncomfortable questions. Such questions are not only uncomfortable for others, but also for oneself. It takes courage to question familiar perspectives, if one knows that the answers could completely turn one’s life upside down. With Pluto moving again forward at the end of September you’ve caught the exact right time to possibly move into a new spiritual direction.


SagittariusSagittarius: In the first half of September you will learn to appreciate Saturn. It has been in your sign for almost three years and helped you essentially to achieve more clarity and form and if you allow it, forces you to stand up for yourself. Even if that creates fear for some at first, it always ends with a feeling of enormous relief. The third Jupiter-Uranus opposition opens finally new doors for you, and the positive developments that have been in the making since January come to their crowning completion.


CapricornCapricorn: What has priority: your own concerns and goals or those of your relationship – with partner, family, friends? This question determines the first half of the month, whereby no simple answer is available. Play it by ear – whatever is more important in a given situation. In the second half of the month, the same applies to you as for the Scorpios: analyse situations exactly, act according to your analysis, and let logic guide you now. The fact that you have always seen something in the same way doesn’t mean that your opinion is logical.


AquariusAquarius: In the first half of the month the dynamic Mars energy is at your disposal: be active and find new ways to realize your ideas. Also let yourself be inspired by others. In the second half of the month with Venus, beauty, connections with other people and the joy of self-expression play an outstanding role. This expands your heart and your horizon, which is even more highlighted by the Jupiter-Uranus opposition at the end of September. With that, you move beyond personal matters.


PiscesPisces: Now you will increasingly experience yourself in polarity to your countersign. Pisces and Virgo together form an ideal whole: farsighted and clearsighted, capable of integration and discernment, easy and thorough, spontaneous and reliable, imaginative and accurate. What you already have doesn’t need support. But to come closer to the ideal whole, decide to give more energy to that which is a bit weak. This also benefits your relationships, because then you won’t need a projection area.


SitaraSitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers. www.astro-sitara.de

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