A Cup of Tea (105)
It brings me happiness to bear witness to your new birth.
You have worked for it over many lives
and now the boat flows rightly,
I can rest assured about you.
Once I made you a promise
and this is now fulfilled.
It is your turn to fulfil your part of the promise;
make sure you don’t miss the chance.
Time is short
and I may not be able to be with you again.
Muster your whole will,
take the oars in your hands
and begin the journey that is infinite.
You have wasted much time sitting on the banks;
now the winds are favourable.
This I know,
and that’s why I am pushing you off
the banks so earnestly.
God’s grace is showering,
be open to it and let it in.
Dance it and drink it in!
With such nectar at hand will you still stay thirsty?
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