Horoscope February 2019


Your horoscope by Phoebe with quotes from Osho.

new horoscope

Illustrations by Barbara Schaaf, Alamy



Relevant Planetary Positions: Mars in Aries until 14th. Uranus in Aries. Moon in Aries 8th-11th Feb.

Major Aspects for Aries: Mars square Pluto on 2nd. Mars conjunct Uranus on 13th. Moon in Aries square Venus on 9th. Moon in Aries square Saturn on 9th. Moon conjunct Mars and Uranus on 10th and square Pluto, Moon trine Jupiter on 10th.

“If everybody is trying to dominate and you are also trying to dominate there will be struggle. The struggle is not because others are trying to dominate, the struggle is because you are not trying to understand how the ego functions. You drop out of it! The others cannot be changed, and you will be unnecessarily wasting your life if you try to change the others. That is their problem … You simply understand that everybody is trying to dominate, ‘I drop out of it, I will not try to dominate,’ – your struggle disappears and a very beautiful thing happens.”

Osho, Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing, Ch 2



Relevant Planetary Positions: Venus in Sagittarius until 3rd Feb then Venus enters Capricorn. Moon in Taurus 11th-13th Feb.

Major Aspects for Taurus: Venus trine Uranus on 3rd. Venus conjunct Saturn on 18th. Venus conjunct Pluto on 23rd. Moon in Taurus trine Venus on 11th, trine Saturn and Pluto on 12th.

“Don’t think that to be generous you have to be rich. Just the contrary is the case: if you want to be rich, be generous. And so many riches are always available; so many gifts you bring with your life, and you take with your death with yourself. You could have shared, and through sharing you would have become aware how rich existence makes you, and how poor you live. And the more you share, the more your being starts flowing. The more it flows newer springs are always filling the river again and again. And you remain fresh.”
Osho, Until You Die, Ch 1



Relevant Planetary Positions: Mercury in Aquarius until 10th Feb then enters Pisces. Moon in Gemini 13th-15th Feb.

Major Aspects for Gemini: Mercury square Neptune on 19th . Mercury opposition Moon on 20th. Mercury square Jupiter on 22nd. Moon in Gemini opposition Jupiter and square Neptune on 14th.

“In the night you dream – that’s a catharsis. In the day you think – that is also a catharsis, and it helps you to be sleepy. It is a drug. You need not worry what is happening. You just close yourself within your thoughts and they are well known to you, you feel cosy … You have become accustomed to your prison. It happens to prisoners: if they are for a long time in the jail they become afraid of coming out, they become afraid of freedom. There is a fear of freedom because it will bring new responsibilities. And there is nothing like coming out of the mind – it is absolute freedom.”
Osho, No Water No Moon, Ch 1



Relevant Planetary Positions: New Moon 4th Feb in Aquarius. Full Moon 19th Feb in Virgo. Moon in Cancer 15th-17th Feb.

Major Aspects for Cancer: Moon conjunctions: conjunct Saturn and Pluto 2nd, conjunct Neptune 7th, conjunct Mars and Uranus 10th, conjunct Jupiter 27th.

“A rose is there – you be with it. Don’t create any activity subtle or gross. Thinking is a very gross activity, feeling is a subtle activity. But you know feeling can change into thinking … Feeling is on the way to thinking … Just being with … and suddenly you are not there and the world is not there. The one, the brahma is revealed. You and the world, both have become one. The infinite is there, the formless is there – and that is the truth.”
Osho, Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing, Ch 3



Relevant Planetary Positions: Sun in Aquarius until 18th when Sun enters Pisces. Moon in Leo 17th-19th.

Major aspects for Leo: Moon in Leo square Mars on 17th, trine Jupiter on 18th, trine Uranus on 19th Feb.

“The lion is a longing for freedom, a desire to destroy all imprisonments. The lion is not in need of any leader; he is enough unto himself. He will not allow anyone else to say to him, ‘thou shalt’ – that is insulting to his pride. He can only say ‘I will’. The lion is responsibility and a tremendous effort to get out of all chains. But even the lion is not the highest peak of human growth. The highest peak is when the lion also goes through a metamorphosis and becomes a child. The child is innocence … it is pure trust, it is a sacred yes to existence and to life and to all that it contains.”
Osho, Zarathustra: a God that can Dance, Ch 7



Relevant Planetary Positions: Mercury in Aquarius until 10th when Mercury enters Pisces. Moon in Virgo 19th-21st. Full Moon in Virgo on 19th.

Major aspects for Virgo: Mercury opposition Moon on 20th. Mercury square Jupiter on 22nd. Mercury square Neptune on 19th. Moon in Virgo trine Mars on 19th, trine Venus and Saturn on 20th, square Jupiter on 20th, opposition Neptune on 20th and trine Pluto on 21st Feb.

“Doubt and belief are all ‘head-trips’. With a Master you are on a heart-trip. And heart doesn’t know what doubt is, heart doesn’t know what belief is – heart simply knows trust. Heart is just like a small child. The small child clings to the father’s hand and wherever the father is going the child is going, neither trusting nor doubting – the child is undivided. Doubt is half, belief is half; a child is still total, whole … When a disciple becomes just like a child, then only these gifts of the highest peak of consciousness can be given.”
Osho, Tantra the Supreme Understanding, Ch 1



Relevant Planetary Positions: Venus in Sagittarius until 3rd when Venus enters Pisces. Moon in Libra 21st-23rd.

Major aspects for Libra: Venus trine Uranus on 3rd. Venus conjunct Saturn on 18th and Pluto on 23rd. Moon in Libra square Venus and Saturn on 22nd, and square Pluto on 23rd Feb.

“Love is death of all pretensions. When you love a person you cannot pretend anything which is not true. When you love a person you become completely naked, you reveal yourself. All pretensions drop in the moment of love. And suddenly you realise that whatsoever you have been thinking you are, you are not. Something else arises – an organic unity with the Whole. The self disappears and the no-self appears. You are, but now not separate; not a stranger, but a part of the Whole.”
Osho, Until You Die, Ch 5



Relevant Planetary Positions: Pluto in Capricorn. Moon in Scorpio 23rd-25th Feb.

Major aspects for Scorpio: Pluto square Mars 2nd. Pluto conjunct Venus 23rd. Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune and opposition Mars on 24th, trine Mercury on 25th Feb.

“Whenever you are angry your light within has disappeared. In fact you are angry because the light has disappeared, the darkness has entered. You can be angry only when you are unconscious; you cannot be angry consciously. Try it: either you will lose consciousness and anger will be there, or you will remain conscious and anger will not arise – you cannot be angry consciously. What does it mean? It means the nature of consciousness is just like light, and the nature of anger is just like darkness – you cannot have both … if you are conscious you cannot be angry.”
Osho, Tantra the Supreme Understanding, Ch 3



Relevant Planetary Positions: Jupiter in Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius until 3rd. Moon in Sagittarius 25th-28th Feb.

Major Aspects for Sagittarius: Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter, square Mercury on 27th, trine Uranus on 28th Feb.

“The world is there because of you – you create it, you are a creator. Every single being creates a world around himself, it depends on his mind. The mind may be illusory but it is creative – it creates dreams. And it is up to you to create a hell or a heaven. If you leave this world you will not be able to leave it. Wherever you go you will create the same world again, because the world is constantly coming out of you just as leaves are coming out of the tree … So the first thing to be understood is that you cannot leave the world unless the mind disappears.”
Osho, Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing, Ch 5



Relevant Planetary Positions: Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Venus enters Capricorn on 3rd. Moon in Capricorn 1st-3rd Feb.

Major aspects for Capricorn: Venus conjunct Saturn in Capricorn 18th, and conjunct Pluto 23rd. Moon in Capricorn square Mars, conjunct Saturn and Pluto on 2nd Feb.

“Why is it so relevant to you what others think? Why are others’ opinions so relevant to you? Why do you care so much? Because you don’t know who you are. You depend on their opinions about yourself. That is your only self-knowledge. If they say you are good, you are good. If they say you are bad, you are bad. You have nothing inside which can say, ‘Their opinions are their opinions … How does it make any difference?’ One who knows himself is never disturbed by what you think about him.”
Osho, No Water no Moon, Ch 3



Relevant Planetary Positions: Uranus in Aries. Mercury in Aquarius until 10th Feb. Sun in Aquarius until 18th Feb. Moon in Aquarius 3rd-6th Feb.

Major aspects for Aquarius: Venus trine Uranus on 3rd. Mars trine Uranus on 14th. Moon conjunct Uranus on 14th. Moon in Aquarius conjunct Mercury 5th Feb.

“One needs friends because one is incapable of being alone. And as long as one needs friends one cannot be much of a friend – because the need reduces the other to an object. Only the man who is capable of being alone is also capable of being a friend. But it is not his need, it is his joy: it is not his hunger, not his thirst, but his abundance of love that he wants to share. When such a friendship exists, it should not be called a friendship, because it has taken on a totally new dimension: I call it ‘friendliness’.”
Osho, Zarathustra: a God that can Dance, Ch 11



Relevant Planetary Positions: Neptune in Pisces. Sun in Pisces from 18th Feb. Mercury in Pisces from 11th Feb. Moon in Pisces 6th-8th Feb.

Major aspects for Pisces: Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune, square Jupiter on 7th. Mercury conjunct Neptune on 19th. Mercury square Jupiter on 22nd Feb.

“You ask for sympathy and you could have got love – but you ask for sympathy. Love can be given to one who is happy, sympathy to one who is unhappy. Love cannot be given to one who is unhappy. It is impossible. He is not in the right mood. You cannot give love to him, you can only sympathise. Love can be given when somebody is happy and flowing; then he is in the right tuning and love is possible.”
Osho, Until you Die, Ch 1


PhoebePhoebe was gifted the name Phoebe in Pune One; it means ‘pure radiance’. It is still her guiding light. Long-time astrologer and writer, she wrote the Osho Times horoscope back in the nineties. She has published several astrology books, in which her experience as a meditator shines through (see Agnes Liebhardt’s review of Inside the Cosmic Mind), and an oracle board game. www.astrophoebe.com

Illustrations by Barbara Schaaf, Alamy

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