…left her body 24th March 2021.
Srajan writes:
Shortly after Chetan was born, Santosh (Eliana García Rodriguez) left her job as an English teacher and went on an adventure to the commune in India. Together with the Ah This! band they came to the Amsterdam commune in 1989 and after living in Amsterdam for a few years they returned to Chile.
Santosh was a breath of fresh Latin air, full of dance and laughter, and a very devoted mother.
“My beloved mom left us after fighting covid for 20 days,” writes her son Chetan from Chile. She was well taken care of and died without suffering much. Although Chile has the highest percentage of people vaccinated up to now, vaccination unfortunately came too late for her.
Because of the restrictions there were few people at the funeral but when they will be lifted a celebration will be planned.
You will be dearly missed, beloved Santosh.
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