Let the Healing of the Earth Begin


A collaboration project by Praful and friends.

Praful’s comments on YouTube: I composed this song a few years ago, based on an ancient prayer of the Whirling Sufi Dervishes. It had been waiting for the right time to be birthed into the world. Around May 2020, when we were in our first pandemic lockdown, the moment had come for this healing song. While deprived of playing live music or even getting together with other musicians, I had the idea to invite many of my music colleagues into a collaboration project via internet. To my surprise, almost everyone was enthusiastic and in the end, I received ±50 contributions. Then started a long journey in my studio of weaving it all together into an organic whole. Several times, I thought I was finished, but then again and again, more people appeared and I kept adding more sonic jewels that would make the whole more complete.

Finally, they also all sent me film footage of their performances, from which my partner, Vimal Gabrielsen, and I created this beautiful video.

The music flowing thru all these artists has the power to make the listener more present, conscious, and connected with spirit. They contributed to this song with the intention to bring more healing and peace to our beloved planet Earth and its inhabitants. They were not paid for this – my deepest gratitude to them! I myself put countless hours and my total heart and soul into this.

I make this music and video available free of charge as a gift to the world – if it resonates with you, please feel free to download it and share it everywhere, but do not change or monetise it in any way (Creative Commons).

Download for free at praful.bandcamp.com
Thanks to Anand Gayan

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Praful is a master sound healer, multi-instrumentalist, singer, composer and producer based in Germany. prafulmusic.com

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