

A presentation by New Earth Records of Deuter’s new album.

by Deuter
New Earth Records –
Audio CD: Amazon or other music outlets
Streaming via Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, etc.:

Mysterium is the newest album by Georg Deuter (aka Chaitanya Hari), released in CD format as of June 3 and available on all major streaming services as of today, June 24, 2022. It features a variety of instruments including flute, guitar, violin, keyboard, santoor, and erhu.

Each track is a hidden gem handpicked from Deuter’s legacy of timeless compositions. Mysterium continues his enduring legacy of uplifting meditative melodies that fill the heart of anyone who listens.

Chaitanya Georg Deuter

A pioneer of the New Age music genre, Deuter integrates Eastern meditative music traditions with contemporary Western instrumental techniques, blending the two to create relaxing melodies ideal for meditation and healing practices. He has recorded and released over 60 albums. He is also the composer of the music for Osho Active Meditations.

For more on Deuter, check out New Earth Records’s website or follow them on Spotify, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube or see articles and interviews on Deuter on Osho News.

  • Marfa Lights IIThe first track on Deuter’s album, Mysterium, (video)

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