A Scotsman was out having a very good time on Saturday night…
He was sampling the local product and on the way home passed out along the lane. Later in the night a wind came blowing by and blew his kilt up to his waist. Well, we all know what a real Scotsman wears under his kilt.
Early Sunday morning the two town spinsters walked by and saw him lying there. “Prudence, have you ever seen such a sight?” one exclaimed. “No, I haven’t, Purity. He deserves some kind of punishment,” she replied and searched her bag. “Here, this should do it,” and tied a ribbon around his member. “Serves him right,” they huffed and continued on to church.
Later the Scotsman awoke and looked down at his member and saw the bright blue ribbon tied around it and said. “Aye. Laddie, I dunnae know where ye been, but ye won ferst prize!”
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