Horoscope for the Month of Libra 2024


This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “The mind grows old, the body grows old but the being knows nothing of time…”

LIBRA Mandala by Padma
‘Libra’ © by Deva Padma, available as fine art print from devapadma-prints.com

Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.

Planetary Positions

Sun in Virgo enters Libra on 22nd September.
New Moon 2nd October in Libra. Full Moon 17th October in Aries.
Mercury in Virgo enters Libra on 26th September and enters Scorpio on 13th October.
Venus in Libra enters Scorpio on 24th September and Sagittarius on 17th October.
Mars in Cancer.
Jupiter in Gemini turns retrograde on 9th October.
Saturn retrograde in Pisces.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus.
Neptune retrograde in Pisces.
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn turns direct on 11th October.
Chiron retrograde in Aries.

Mood of the Moment

“The fool’s mind goes on repetitively doing the same thing again and again. The fool’s mind is a vicious circle, it moves in circles. The wise man is not at all repetitive. He lives each moment anew… He dies to the past every moment and is born again. The wise man’s whole life is a process of rebirthing… The mind grows old, the body grows old but the being knows nothing of time… It is always youthful. It is as fresh as dewdrops in the early morning sun!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 7


“If you are not silent, if you don’t know how to sit silently or stand silently in deep meditation, whatsoever you go on doing is reaction… Somebody insults you, pushes a button, and you react. You are angry, you jump on him… It is reaction. He is the manipulator and you are the manipulated. He has pushed a button and you have functioned like a machine… You act according to others’ manipulations. This is not real action!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 10


“It is because of fear that man becomes greedy. He’s so much afraid that he wants to accumulate for the future… He sacrifices his today for tomorrow, and the tomorrow never comes… The greedy man never becomes rich. He may have the whole world at his disposal but he remains poor… He accumulates, accumulates, wastes his whole life and one day dies… Empty-handed he had come, empty-handed he has gone, and his whole life went down the drain with no significance!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 10


“When you are watchful there is a luminosity in your being, a great intelligence arises in you… The ordinary man lives in a very foolish way. The moment you become attuned to your inner music you become attuned to meditativeness. Great intelligence is released. In that intelligence it is impossible for you to be deceived by desire. In that intelligence for the first time you start understanding things as they are. You stop misunderstanding!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 5


“You have an idea of love… that in love lovers disappear into each other, dissolve into each other. Yes, there are moments of dissolution but this is the beauty… when lovers dissolve into each other, the same are the moments when they become very conscious, very alert… For the first time they see their utter beauty in being alone… It is because of the other that they have been able to see their own selves. The other has become a mirror in which they are reflected!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 4


“You depend on others’ opinions. If they say you are beautiful, you think you are beautiful. If they say you are intelligent, you think you are intelligent. Hence, you want to impress people… That becomes a validity for you. That’s why it is so enraging when somebody insults you, so damaging to the image when somebody calls you an idiot. Otherwise, why should you be bothered? It is none of your business!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 4


“If you are really in love with a beautiful person you would not like to possess because to possess is to destroy. You will be like a bee – you will enjoy the company, you will enjoy the friendship, you will share the love, but you will not possess. To possess is to reduce the person to a thing. It is to destroy his spirit… Just like a bee, move in life enjoying, celebrating, dancing, singing, but like a bee… don’t be possessive, don’t get stuck anywhere!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 3


“While you are talking to people they are not really listening, they are only pretending to listen. A thousand and one thoughts are crossing through their minds. They are not really there, they are always absent… and they listen only to words. They never listen to the meaning, because the meaning can be listened to only by the heart… Listening through the heart means listening in love, in trust, in deep sympathy and finally in deep empathy!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 5


“Jealousy is the fever of the soul. Except meditation, there is no medicine for it… Somebody has more money than you, somebody has more health than you, somebody has more beauty than you, somebody has more intelligence than you, and you are constantly comparing. The desiring mind continues to compare… Only the person who understands the foolishness of desiring, of greed, of constantly longing for more… and drops it, goes beyond death!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 3


“You can think great thoughts, but they don’t become your realization by thinking… Realization means precisely realization – it should become a reality to you, not just an idea!… The idea can’t transform you, and the idea can’t reach to the very core of your being. It remains on the circumference… Once something is realized it is bound to transform you… Once the consciousness is new the whole character becomes new!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 4


“The ordinary human being does not want to be free. He wants to be dependent. He wants somebody else to guide him. Why, because then he can throw the whole responsibility on the shoulders of somebody else… It is responsibility, the challenge of responsibility that creates wisdom. One has to accept life with all its problems. One has to go through life unprotected. One has to seek and search one’s way. Life is an opportunity, a challenge to find your Self!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 9


“In your mind also you are always talking with somebody, some imaginary person. You are saying something from your side, and you are also answering from the other side – a continuous chattering, a dialogue inside you!… Sanity happens only when you become so totally silent that all inner chattering disappears… In no-mind you understand, you realize, not only your own being but the being, the very being of existence!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 4


“Life ordinarily is just stinking mud, but the possibility of becoming a lotus is hidden there… Sex can be transformed and it can become samadhi. Anger can be transformed and it can become compassion. And hate can be transformed and it can become love… Keep on reminding yourself that, unless you are a buddha, your life is a wastage. Only by being a buddha does one’s life have grace, beauty, intelligence, significance, benediction!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 5

Phoebe Wyss

Phoebe Wyss is a regular contributor for the monthly horoscope and is the author of various books on astrology. astrophoebe.com

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