Osho Call of the Ocean

New Releases

New release of Osho Call of the Ocean, pictorial book about Osho’s life

A beautiful book with many photographs of Osho and relating to his life has been published by Zorba Designs in Pune, to celebrate Osho’s 80th birth year.

The text is a compilation of excerpts taken from various talks given by Osho, illustrating events and incidents that occurred around him. It is a joy to delve into the book – open it anywhere – and absorb what Osho has to say about certain points during his life.

Osho - Call Of The Ocean

“Be part of a master and your journey, your real journey, has started. Now you are on your way towards the ultimate ocean, the ocean of joy, of peace, of silence, of truth. What other religions call God, Buddha calls nirvana: the ocean of enlightenment.”

Osho, The Dhammapadda: Way of the Buddha Vol. 5, Ch 9

Available at Osho Galleria

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