“Don’t try to change the circumstances of your life, try to change the psychology. Try to change your attitudes towards life, don’t try to change the outer situation. Use the outer situation and change the inner state.”
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Everything has to be at stake, then only is change possible. Change cannot be partial. Either it is or it is not.”
“Before Osho left his body, he himself gave the words to be inscribed on his samadhi: ‘Osho – Never Born Never Died’,” says Osho disciple Swami Chaitanya Keerti in an interview with Manoj More of the Indian Express, January 18, 2024
The let-go meditation, guided by Osho (with audio). “Gather your energies, your total consciousness. And with an intensity, rush towards the center of your being. A deep urgency is needed, as if this is going to be your last moment of life.”
“The moment you have accepted the night totally – and there is no seeking and hankering for the morning – the morning has come.”
“At the moment of sandhya kal you are nearest to God; therefore the Hindus have made use of this time for prayer.”
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Life is a miracle because there is no reason for it to be. It is simply a miracle that you are, otherwise there is every reason for you not to be!”
Article by Amit Singh Kushwaha in Kashmir Vision on 12 December 2023; “In honoring Osho on his birth anniversary, we pay tribute to a visionary who dared to challenge the status quo, who beckoned us to awaken to our true nature, and who left an indelible mark on the tapestry of human consciousness.”
Part 1 of an interview with Osho’s mother, Ma Amrit Saraswati, first published in the Hindi Rajneesh Times
Osho speaks on the subject of ‘Sannyasin’: “My sannyas is an opening, a journey, a dance, a love affair with the unknown, a romance with existence itself, in search of an orgasmic relationship with the whole.”
“Somebody throws [the responsibility] on God, somebody on karma, somebody on destiny, somebody on the I Ching, but people go on giving it to somebody else.”
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho. “Man has lived uncivilized for a single reason: he never went deep into himself. I call only those people civilized who have reached their centre, and who have seen themselves as buddhas.”
Osho speaks on ‘ Awareness’. “Try to make this such a permanent state of awareness in you that whenever you start finding something wrong with the other, remember it.”
The British Library in London received the missing titles to complete their catalogue of Osho’s works, thanks to Neeten’s efforts.
“Rare is the possibility of someone’s listening, and rarest is the possibility of someone understanding.”
Osho speaks on ‘War’; “Unless we transform the very script of man, unless we give him a totally new program of living and being, we can go on talking about peace but we will go on preparing for war.”
“You will think, ‘What has it to do with spirituality?’ It has much to do with spirituality. You have to create a peaceful surrounding – only then can you fall into meditation. You have to create an atmosphere, an energy field – only then can you go inwards.”
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “A fearless consciousness knows no enemies. And when one has no enemies everyone is a friend.”
“Pythagoras’ sutras are divided into three parts; they are known as the three famous P’s of Pythagoras.”
“I feel a very deep spiritual affinity with Pythagoras. I am also bringing you a synthesis of East and West, of science and religion, of intellect and intuition, of the male mind and the female mind, of the head and the heart, of the right and the left.”
“Just say something and it happens. You just say to the mind, ‘Enough – now you be the servant, because you are the servant.’ And, I say, it is just that simple.”
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Each person has to become a way for the divine – a passage, a vehicle, an opening for the divine to descend to the earth.”
Osho on ‘ Availability’; “You will be far more complete if Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Moses, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Ko Hsuan, Kabir, Bahauddin, all become part of your inner being.”
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Start living as if you are not and immediately you will feel a tremendous relief because the burden, the tension, the anxiety of being simply becomes irrelevant.”
“Whatsoever it is, just be herenow – and a tremendous revelation is waiting for you. The revelation is that nobody can be unhappy in the herenow.”
Osho speaks on ‘Children’; “Once a child comes to know that his parents are untrue, his whole trust is lost.”
Osho speaks on ‘Midwife’; “I can help, I can protect, I can guide, that’s all. The actual phenomenon, the transformation, is going to happen to you.”
This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Become part of this orchestra and you will become virtuous. I count happiness as the only virtue.”
‘If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him immediately!’ – What about you? How do I both love you and kill you?’
“It is the process of reabsorbing back to the cause, bringing effect back to the cause; the process of involution.”
“When you come closer to yourself you come closer to me because in the innermost being the centre is one.”
Osho speaks on Dogen. This is the sutra that troubled him to the very core of his being: ‘All human beings are endowed with the buddha-nature’.