Part 5 of Bhagawati’s interview about her years in the commune given last year in New Delhi.
This is about her experiences in Europe where she is involved with press work and visiting communes during the first half of 1985. After returning to Rajneeshpuram she stays on until the end of the year when the commune closes down.
In the second video she speaks about her experiences in Pune 2.
Part 5.1 Journey to Cologne
Duration: 17 Min 9 Sec.
Part 5.2 Experiences in Pune 2
Duration: 15 Min 36 Sec.
Part 5: Work in Europe, Returning to Rajneeshpuram and Life in Pune 2
Part 4: Loving Berlin and Moving on to Rajneeshpuram
Part 3: It was Absolute Magic
Part 2: Ashram Life
Part 1: I Had Come Home
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